Bumping into the office with ethan hope apologies for earlier punching her best friend when he did nothing

"Hey hope it's alright but come on give me some credit"

"I know you've helped me a lot with josie"

"This will be a funny story for romeo to know when he's older that you punched his uncle ethan because you thought he was having an affair with your girl"

Hope chuckles shoving ethan who's laughing

"Shut up eth"

"Your not gonna lose her bro"

"That's the thing ethan I'm scared that one day she's gonna leave me because of something stupid I did"

Jed and kaleb walk in over to the others

"Yo ethan that's a pretty hard hit"

"Thanks to Hope over here"

"I thought he was chatting up josie so I punched him but it's all cool now I get it was a misunderstanding"

"Remind me to never get on your bad side mikaelson"

Kaleb speaks

"Have u heard that maya chick she's going around telling everyone she's pregnant"

"What no way"

This panicks hope hoping the girl shut her mouth

"Really what did she say"

"That she has a one night stand with someone and now she's pregnant I wonder who the father is but with that girl who knows"

Ethan notices at the corner of his eye hope looking  guilty

At Mario's Italian restaurant hope is seated wearing her fancy suit waiting for her girlfriend

Moments later josie steps in taking hope's breathe away wearing a sheer red dress

Hope gets up pulling out a chair for josie to sit in as the brunette does so

At the table hope starts the conversation

"You look breath taking love I must say"

"That suit is really sexy on you hope"

They both giggle like school kids well they are but ever since having romeo they both have matured so much so it's nice to finally see them act their age away from their responsibilities

"Baby what do u want for dinner"

Hope looks at the menu and hands one to josie

Looking over hope sees josie taking her time scrolling through the list as she bites her lip

Hope feels a foot on her private place it moves around circling the area

Her cock starts to harden as josie starts messing around with it with her foot hovering over

A wink from josie hope knows what game she's playing

Hope Mikaelson The Player Where stories live. Discover now