❣️ THE RIGHT PATH (Part 2) ❣️

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Even distraught, even with a broken heart. Kayn proceeded with his duties. And now it was necessary. Yet now it was different? Yes, of course, it was. He felt glad he got an opportunity to leave this place. He couldn't look at (Y/N's) face. Not a chance. His heart couldn't bare it. The way she looked at him. That fear. It made his heart sink. The love she used to hold for him was gone. Just like that. So that is exactly why he was glad. Glad he got to leave this forsaken place.

And so he did. He did just that. No farewell to (Y/N) or Nakuri. Not even a word. His heart felt different now. Vengeful and bloodthirsty. The pain he felt had turned to fury and anger. Now it was the time to finally show those pathetic creatures who dared to hurt her what suffering was really about.

Kayn was going to take his revenge on that whole disgusting nation...

"I sense your fury Kayn! Unleash it! It's for (Y/N) after all. ~"

"Shut up, darkin. If you believe your lies can fool me then you're a fool. And do not speak of her. You have nothing to do with her! "

"Oh, really? Is that what you believe? "

Kayn did not answer the darkins question. Of course, he believed that. This tool had nothing to do with (Y/N). It will never do. Yet his words cut into his skin. He felt powerless. That feeling of dread. It was still there. Clinging onto his heart. It felt as if his strength had left him ever since she did...

Nothing drove him forward to the bloodbath that was going to take place, except... revenge.

So when it all began. He did it. He unleashed all anger he held inside him. All the pain, sorrow, everything...
The battlefield was his escape.

Battling those warriors he did not show a shread of mercy. Why would he? This place deserved no mercy. None of them did. All this felt like a sick joke to him. The more people he slaughtered the more powerful he felt.

Pathetic attempts to stike him down were immediately crushed by him. Blood stained the ground. It felt good.

Bloodlust had never felt so good...

He felt invincible, incredible! His heart pulsated with a force it felt like he was burning. It felt unsteady. It felt wrong and overwhelming.

This power...what is it?

It flowed in his blood, something new. Something heavy. So heavy it felt himself getting crushed by it. His body felt weak. He felt himself daze off as his fingers lost grasp of his weapon. Just as his eyes began to black he felt a sudden taste in his mouth. He gritted his teeth in disgust.


Kayn collapsed at the sudden pain he felt. His breathing was heavy. He felt his muscles twitch when he looked down at his chest. It made him gasp in shock. Rhaast...he had...

Kayn felt his head ring as he tried to keep his eyes open. Fighting to stay in this world. To stay with her, even after everything! He wasn't ready to leave without her. Even with her not remembering him! He wanted to still see her before he goes...

His heart sank as he heard the mocking laughter of victory. Kayn knew who it was. Though he barely could even recognize it anymore...

"~I'll give her your regards... ~"


(Y/N) stood in front of her window pane, looking out at the gloomy sky. Something felt off. A nagging feeling kept bugging her as she was trying to think. To think of her past. All of it. She had remembered most of it. Zed, the order for the most part. And yet neither Nakuri nor Kayn felt familiar to her.

"A MATCH MADE IN SHADOW"  {Kayn x Fem. reader} Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant