🖤 Chapter 3 🖤

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As days passed (Y/N) never forgot about that horrible nightmare. It's not that she didn't want to, of course she did. And it never truly left her a scar or anything . The real reason was that...

It never left.

It was like it was haunting her, like it wouldn't let her forget.
That horrible laugh... She couldn't forget it, she couldn't get it out of her head.
Why was it bothering her so much?
Something about it felt so... real. It was like her consciousness itself was scared of it, like her mind and body was reacting on its own.

Everyday when she fell asleep she would hear it again... laughing...

laughing at her...

It was almost like it was mocking her. Mocking her miserable state.
She hasn't been able to sleep for days, at least not able to properly sleep. The dark bags under her eyes were more visible then ever, luckily, no one really noticed or payed attention to it.

She never saw who it belonged to...

She never saw anything...

It was always the same screams, same laughter and the same terrifyingly strong grip.
That grip as inhuman. It was so strong, it was making her feel so powerless, so hopeless and feeling like a useless rag doll.

It was terrifying to her...

"(Y/N)! "

She shot her head up and flinched at the sudden voice.

"You are spacing out again! Where you even listening?!"

"Ah! Um, sorry! I just... um... have a lot on my mind lately..."

Hearing that Nakuri's expression changed from one of annoyance to one of worry. His expression softening he asked worryingly, his voice softer now:

"(Y/N)... Is everything alright?"

(Y/N) just narrowed her eyes as if she was doubting herself, but the let out a loud sigh.

"It's nothing, Nakuri. Just... There is this nightmare that has been haunting me and naturally I just... can't seem to sleep too much... "

When she said that he finnaly noticed the bags under her eyes and her tired expression. He wondered how has he never acknowledged them before.
He closed his eyes as he put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

" Listen, I may not be the best with words, or the most pacient and reassuring person out there. But I know you'll pull through it.
Look around, (Y/N). You have been training under Master Zed for years and have never given up. You are way stronger than you think. A simple nightmare shouldn't be the one to crush you. "

As she listened to his reassuring voice she smiled brightly and then went to hug him.
He smiled as his cheeks were a light shade of red. No one noticed though.
So that's good for him.

" Thank you, Nakuri! You always know what to say! "

" That's because I know you, idiot."

"* giggle*, Fair point!"

Nakuri smiled at his friend as he looked at the sky. It was really early, probably no one was up yet. The sun was still barely even visible, if you can call it visible at all.

"Say, do you want to walk around a little? Probably no one is up so we might as well go do something. Plus we have quite some time until we begin training."

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