🖤 Chapter 1 🖤

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As soon as Zed's voice was heard, (Y/N) charged at Kayn. But the moment she got in his range she dissappeared into the shadows, leaving a cloud of black smoke.
Kayn didn't even flinched.

To anyone else, this would have come up as a surprise but Kayn was trained in the order for years, he is no stranger to trickery. He couldn't be fooled easily.
So when she dissappeared he stayed as calm as ever before and started carefully listening for her movement.

Sure, (Y/N) can surely be very difficult to track and was pretty sneaky most of the time but she also wasn't at the same time.
She sometimes could be a little less careful and give off her location, say it was a step or her clothes shifting.
So that's what he was listening for.

Not long after his predictions were confirmed as soon as he heard the sound of shifting behind him.
Kayn quickly turned around and sliced the air, knocking away the shurikens that she had thrown at him.

(Y/N), just like Kayn, never stuck to perticuliary one weapon. She liked the idea of having option, even if she hasn't completely mastered all of them like him.
Considering her fighting style, her weapons were mostly throwing weapons.

But as quickly as she appeared, (Y/N) yet again dissappeared in the dark. Kayn knew her abilities too well. Since they were close friends he was  able to observe her and her skills.
She truly had some potential, but Kayn knew she was no match for him.

As they fought things were getting more predictable on (Y/N's) part as it was almost repeating at this point.
Always hiding in the shadows, always trying to aim at angles he wasn't looking at, as if trying to catch him off guard.
But one time she was able to finnaly land a hit.

(Y/N) this time trew her kunai right in his face. It was able to scratch his cheek, leaving her with one last weapon left. She had finnaly ran out of things to throw at him. Kayn now decided that it was time to finnaly end this.

Yet again she dissappeared as he was now determined that it was time to end this game of hide and seek.

The moment he heard her movement again he turned to look at her.
He saw her form dashing towards him trying to press the dagger against his throat. Kayn simply doged it as he moved to the side.
Knocking the dagger out of her hands he didn't waste time and pinned her against the ground, pressing the blade against her neck.

Smirk had appeared on his face rather quickly as he said with the ego visible in his voice:

" ~I win ~ "

"*sigh*, One day I swear I will wipe that smirk off of your face."

"Really looking forward to seeing you try. I'm kind of curious how long will you take, a year - two, never?"

"Hey! At least I did some damage!" - (Y/N) said pointing at his cheek.

Kayn looked at it as if he even forgot it was there in the first place.

"Sure, if you call that "something "."

She glared daggers at him. His cockiness was out of this world. It annoyed her. But it annoyed her even more that he never stopped teasing her. Again showing that everyone saw her as "the little sister".

As she got ready to leave she stopped as her eyes fell on Zed, who was right now looking at his other students.

"Master Zed?"

He turned around at the sound of his name.


"Can I ask you something?"

He just nodded.

"Why was I pared with Kayn? "

"Is there a problem?"

"No, not at all! Just... He is way stronger and experienced than me. It was abvious I never stood a chance. So why?..."

He stared at her for a second before replying with his metallic voice:

"I am aware of that. The reason was to push your limits. You have potential (Y/N). I want to expand it."

She stared at him, it made her so happy that her teacher saw potential in her!

"I take that that is all?"

"Yes, Master Zed."

"Then you are free to go."

(Y/N) nodded her head as she began to make her way into her room,thinking on what Zed said. It's true that she was happy where she was but... She wanted to impress Him. To prove to him that he didn't took her in for nothing!
She wanted to wipe that smug away from Kayn's face. To show everyone that she could be what Zed expected from her to be.

Opening the door to her room she sighed.
Ploping on her bed she felt how her mind was growing tired.
Her limps now felt sore and he decided she would close her eyes.
Just for a while.

Just for a little while....


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