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Kayn fought fiercely against the noxian warriors, killing them mercilessly and with nothing but hate in his heart. He didn't know why they were here or what they wanted. However, for some odd reason, Ionia had always attracted all kinds of horrible people. But this? To invade our homeland and slaughter so many people, all for what? Power? Glory? Pathetic...
Kayn knew that power lies within. Only a fool would try to obtain it through slaughter.

As his disgust grew stronger he once again slashed forward, killing yet another pathetic "warrior". The strength of Noxus? Absolutely ridiculous. Those fools couldn't even lay a scratch on him. How greatly disappointing...

Every time someone tried to attack or kill him, he almost effortlessly struck them down. Kayn felt something when he fought alongside his brothers. Something new...
He felt focused yet calm. His state was quickly interrupted as Kayn quickly turned to block the possibly most predictable attempt to pierce him.
Forcing the sword away from his hands with the huge scythe he wielded. And just as quickly cut the man in half.


Kayn then turned to be met with dozens more soldiers, seeming even more than before, to his dismay.

"Come on, Kayn! Let it loose already, kill all of them! Don't you remember what they did to our poor (Y/N)? "

"I hate the way you say that..."


But the darkin was right. Those people hurt (Y/N). She almost died back then. To those scumbags.
But a rule he will keep is to be calm. Rhaast will await the moment he lets himself go.

"You will not win this fight, darkin.. "

"We'll see about that."

Kayn then jumped confidently in, ready to face anyone or anything standing in his way.

Hours of bloodshed and violence had passed by as if they had never been there. Kayn felt himself slip into the daze he felt before. That feeling...
It felt powerful, it felt right. He began striking down more and more of these pathetic soldiers he felt something change.

Power fueled him as if it ran through his veins. It filled his senses. And yet he felt in complete control. He wasn't overwhelmed by it, he felt calm...

At that moment Kayn smirked to himself. Victory was his.

He raised the scythe and slammed it into the ground. He grasped the weapon tight as he felt a whole new type of power flow in him.



Rhaast's demonic voice screamed as if in agony. Shadows flew around and in the scythe, as Kayn felt the demonic presence of his entity completely disappear. He felt the weapon change as if it formed to his will. He felt... powerful...
He felt his hair slip away from the braid he kept it in. He felt himself change. Just like the weapon.
He looked at his hands and he saw his skin. It had become a grayish-blue color, it looked as if he had painted it. Alongside this, he saw the tattoos that had appeared on his body.

He felt new. Much more powerful. And so much different than ever before.

"I am victorious! Do you see me, Rhaast?! I had won!"


As all chaos was loose, (Y/N) stayed in the walls of the order with Nakuri, awaiting Kayn's return. He had promised he would be back but she couldn't help but fear the worst. She had no idea what was going on. No one would tell her anything, ever. Of course, she asked Nakuri, but no matter how much she persisted, he just wouldn't...
She was worried. Why would they not tell her? What was going on? What was Noxus trying to achieve and what were they doing? What were they fighting?

"A MATCH MADE IN SHADOW"  {Kayn x Fem. reader} Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt