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As (Y/N) stood there, listening to the insufferable sound of crying she screamed in an attempt to cover it. To silence it. It didn't work. The sound hurt so much...


But the crying never stopped. (Y/N) kept repeating to herself that it will stop. Or that she should just run away from it. But she felt afraid...

What was she supposed to do?

"..please...please stop.....please"

The tone of the crying felt consistent for a second. It made her eardrums pound and pulsate with force. It made her head hurt. Suddenly it got so high she felt her head ringing. It sounded as if in agony...
She tightened her hands around her ears but then it stopped.

The crying... had stopped.

Her head was still ringing but the stress and worry were beginning to fill her mind. Was it hurt? What had happened?
She thought it was frightening when it was screaming and crying. It was terrifying when it stopped so suddenly.

(Y/N) looked at the path In doubt. She knew what awaited her there. She can just turn and walked away but... she didn't. She couldn't.
(Y/N) just couldn't...

She won't just walk away.

Back then. Back when she needed that help. There was someone that didn't walk away. That saved her. That helped her in the same way this child needed right now. Even if it was an illusion or just a dream. She couldn't. She just couldn't.

Her feet quickly started moving towards that path. She had made her choice. As she ran farther and farther into that path she felt how darkness closed in behind her. She could not go back anymore.
Her heart was pounding a thousand beats per second and her mind was imagining a thousand fears more.

The way seemed familiar to her. She knew where she was going. She knew what awaited her further. And yet she continued...

Once she reached the end of the road she was terrified. It was the order. Just like last time. There were bodies, dozens upon dozens of bodies. More than her previous nightmares. Not only her brothers but other people too. People she didn't know...

She was terrified. She felt... frozen.

(Y/N) looked down at her feet in horror. In her feet, there it layed. The corpse of the child. It was the same child she had saved.

She felt sick. Bringing up her hands to her mouth she gagged. The smell of blood was so strong. And the smell of rotten flesh was filling her nose.
She backed away... afraid. Absolutely terrified.

Tears formed in her eyes.

She knew it. She knew what awaited her here. But she was stupid enough to come here. If only she hadn't.

She fell to her knees.

This nightmare...

She hated this nightmare...

(Y/N) closed her eyes as she tried to ignore the smell or the guilt or any of those horrible things.

But she snapped them open at one noise. She removed the hand from her mouth as if in defeat. Her expression showed despair. It was a sound she despised.

The sound of a laughter...

It mocked her...

It mocked her despair...

It enjoyed it...

It was happy. The monster was overjoyed...She walked in this path. (Y/N) willingly walked into this nightmarish place.
She flinched when she felt a huge hand grip her hair. She whimpered in pain. It hurts. It hurts so much...

"A MATCH MADE IN SHADOW"  {Kayn x Fem. reader} Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat