🖤 Chapter 4 🖤

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As the sun is mere minutes away from being fully set, (Y/N) and Nakuri hurried to go back before they were late for today's sparing session. To Nakuri, this was one of, if not the most stupid thing he has done in probably his entire life.
He already started to feel that heavy wight of guilt on his chest. He truely hoped no one will find out about any of this, or even if they did, that they wouldn't think that he partook in it.

"Ok. You can go back to the others, I'm going to go hide (L/N)." - said (Y/N) as she gave him a reassuring look.

He putted his hand on her shoulder and sighed, giving her a look.

"(Y/N), remember, the only thing I agreed to help you with is to keep it a secret. Do not get me involved if anyone finds out. "

" Yes, yes of course. That was the deal."


As he said that he started walking in opposite direction, towards the training grounds.
(Y/N) gave out a loud sigh as she wondered if the risk was worth. What if she regrets it?
She wondered if she maybe have caused Nakuri trouble. She hoped he wasn't mad at her for doing what she did.

"* Was I selfish? *"

Just as she thought that, she felt something wet on her hand. When she looked at her hand she only saw the cute eyes of her beloved baby lizard staring playfully at (Y/N). Smile crept on her face soon after, for this lizard was too adorable for her to feel sad around.

"*giggle* Look who is awake, how did you slept?"


"Hehe, Ok let's go hide you somewhere, hm?"

As (Y/N) huged (L/N) close to her she felt comfort in having this little reptile with her. What was done is done. She can't just leave it, even if it seemed childish.

And with that she started to sprint towards her room, hoping everything will run smoothly.




As she closed the door behind her she let out a sigh of relief. No one had seen her so that was good.
Everyone had probably already started, which wasn't so good,considering that Zed hated when someone is being careless, lazy or not there at all.

As she puted the small lizard on the ground, it looked around, almost in awe for a few moments. It soon started roaming around, everything, sniffing, touching and looking out of pure animal curiosity.

"*giggle* Pretty cool, huh?"


"Ok, ok, listen little guy. I need you to stay quiet and very, very well put. Can you do that?"

(L/N) tilted it's head as it started spinning around and lovingly rubbing against her leg.

"*laugh*, Ok, ok, I love you too! Now-"

She softly picked up the baby lizard and carefully puted it on her bed.

"A MATCH MADE IN SHADOW"  {Kayn x Fem. reader} Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin