🖤 Chapter 6 🖤

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(Y/N's) eyes shot open as she stood up on her bed, sweat covering her forehead. Her heart beating in her head, making her groan under her breath. Her breathing was rapid and uneven as she frantically looked around, only to be met with the walls of her room.

Her eyes scanned around as she closed her eyes, trying to retain her normal and calm heartbeat.
It did calm the young woman that now she can finnaly have a peace of mind in the silence of the darkness that was her room.
(Y/N's) room at the moment was covered in shadows as the only thing that shined through was the bright light of the moon. That same light was so comforting to her, so she closed her eyes as she listened to that same peaceful silence.

A few tiny high pitched grunts were heard through the room. She looked down only to be met with (L/N's) sleeping form. She smiled as it seemed, it too was having a not so pleasant dream.
She breathed out softly as she brought down her hand, gently stroking the baby lizard's head. It softly leaned into her touch in its sleep as it calmed down, slowly falling into a peaceful rest yet again.

Her eyes gazed at its sleeping form next to her on her bed. (Y/N) sighed as she quietly wisperd to it:

".. why won't it leave me alone, (L/N)..?"

She, of course, did not got an awnser. Not that she could get an awnser from a baby.

She then quietly got up from her bed and started walking towards her window. Looking out she was able to see the bright light of the now full moon in the center of the sky. Stars were sparkling, calming her down as the light reflected onto her eyes.
It was still too early to even call it a morning as it was just as dark as when she fell asleep.

(Y/N) sighed as she went to her dresser, beginning to put on her clothes. There was not a chance she would be falling asleep again, especially after that terrible dream.
The best she could do was to just go sit outside and get some fresh air. To just think a little...

As she finnaly got dressed she quietly went up to her door and cracked it opened, trying not to make much noise. She turned to look at (L/N's) sleeping form for one last time before she closed the door, carefully.

She started walking down the corridor with gentle footsteps, trying to stay quiet and not wake anyone up. She kept passing different rooms but stopped at the image of one room in particular,a very familiar room.

She stopped in her tracks as she looked at it for a few second.

It was Kayn's room.

A quiet sigh escaped her lips as she thought about talking to him. But that thought was quickly turned down as she, firstly, didn't want to wake him up and bother him and, secondly, because the only thing that would happen is that he would just start seeing her as "weak" for being so scared of just a plain dream.

She didn't want that...

(Y/N) didn't want to be seen as weak or childish or any of those things. She wanted to seen as a fighter, just like him, and just like everybody.
She didn't want to be treated as the "little sister", she didn't want to be less then them.
(Y/N) wanted to prove to Kayn that she wasn't weak, that she would defeat him one day, that she had potential. To prove she wasn't a lost cause...

So with that she turned away from the door as began to walk away from the door again...


As (Y/N) stood there, sitting on one of the steps of the entrance, she gazed at the night's sky, shining above her she kept thinking about that nightmare.

"A MATCH MADE IN SHADOW"  {Kayn x Fem. reader} Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora