Yuti however was too impatient to wait and rushed inside, hardly caring about the other officers for whom Yuti was almost a complete stranger.

"Where's my papa's room Mister?" She asked a brooding uniformed man who looked down on Yuti skeptically.

"And you, young lady?"

"I am Yuti Mathur."

"Mathur? I am so sorry madam. You must be SDPO sir's daughter. Please come this way." The officer guided them towards Abhay's room before disappearing again.

Abhay was busy analyzing a special case when the door of his room banged open and a small figure ran inside.

"Papa!" Yuti's body collided with her father's as she hugged his side and grinned up at him with doe eyes.

"Hey!" Abhay was too flabbergasted for a minute to see Yuti, until his gaze landed on Khusi who was standing near the door with a small smile on her lips. He swiftly kept the file away and sank down on his knees to pick Yuti up.

"Hey there my little devil. What a surprise!" With Yuti on his hips he strode towards Khusi and took her in his embrace, leaving a gentle kiss on her temple before pulling back.

"It's clear that you don't have time for us, so we decided to come and visit you. And look, Khusi Ma has also made lunch for you." Yuti pushed the Milton canister in Abhay arms and scampered out of the room, leaving behind a giggling Khusi and shell shocked Abhay.

"She's too full of energy." Abhay shook his head and kept the container on his table, taking a deep breath. A longing was visible in Khusi's eyes but she quickly blinked it away and strolled towards Abhay, pulling him into a hug. With her head resting on his chest Khusi took a deep breath and sighed dreamily as Abhay's smell wafted into her nose.

Without any hesitation or wasting a second, Abhay tightened his grip on Khusi's waist, squeezing her into him. He had missed her terribly as well, and couldn't wait to spend some time with her soon.

"I was missing you," Khusi mumbled on his chest, sadness visible on her face and in her tone. Abhay didn't say anything but tightened his hold around her and his face in her neck to express his longing for her.

Pulling back slightly, he plastered his lips upon her and kissed her vehemently, their lips gliding upon each other's.

It had hardly been 1.5 months since he joined as the SDPO of the subdivision. Shimla wasn't an option for him, given he can't leave Khusi and Yuti behind at Chamba. So he had rejected the DSP's position. As a result he got posted as the SDPO in Chamba. The rank was similar, his posting just wasn't in the capital town.

"Thank you for coming. I was going insane with the workload. I will manage to finish today's work now." Abhay whispered into Khusi's hair, his lips grazing her throat to which Khusi hummed. Sparks ignited instantly in each other body at their propinquity making Khusi bite her lips.

"It's your birthday in a few hours." Abhay was devouring his meal, savoring the taste of Khusi's handmade food when Khusi spoke up.

"Umm humm." he gulped down water from the water bottle and licked his fingers clean. Khusi seldom made food but whenever she did, Abhay never left a single crump behind.

"Thank you so much for everything," he kissed Khusi's crown and basked in her warmth for a few seconds before pulling back. Adjusting to the new environment hadn't been difficult for him but he missed spending more time with his family.

Before Khusi had to depart, she grasped Abhay's collar and pulled him down to her height to whisper her next words.

"I have a special night planned for your birthday, with your old handcuffs. Don't be late tonight." Khusi's lips hovered above Abhay's, making his blood flow straight down his manhood.

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