4. Bells and Lipstick ...

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"Take the picture perfectly!" Khusi chimed, instructing the photographer arranged by Bhaskar's side. It was her reception and she couldn't be more excited. Drapped in a cobalt blue Benarasi saree, her make-up inexplicably perfect, she was looking regal.

"lisa_63 commented, Wedding goals on your last picture," Bhaskar recited as soon as Khusi's phone, which was resting on his hand, chimed.

She giggled and grabbed her phone to reply back.

"I can't believe you have more than 5000 followers on IG. That's why you were so excited to upload the wedding pictures."

"Its not my fault that you hardly have 1k followers." Bhaskar faked an heartache dramatcially.

"You wound me. I like to keep my life private and also my accounts." Bhaskar cocked his eyebrows and smirked, making Khusi roll her eyes.


"Baba! Ma!" As soon as Khusi saw her parents coming into the hall, she jumped down from her seat to greet them. Bhaskar also joined her, along with his parents to welcome them.

After chatting with them for a few minutes, Renuka pulled Khusi aside and asked, "Have they been treating you nicely, shona ma?"

"Yesh Ma. They are good people and haven't given me a single chance to complain."

Renuka smiled at her daughter's grinning face. She felt complete as a mother, raising up her daughter to be independent and marrying her off to a good home.

"Don't let them give an opportunity to complain too. Remember you're my daughter, and I have raised you with values. Don't argue with the elders and keep quiet when necessary. It's important to respect your in-laws," Renuka instructed Khusi with a soft and firm tone, but Khusi rolled her eyes.

"Ma, for the last time, if I point out someone's mistakes, that's not arguing. I am simply helping them in personal growth."

"Shh ... Khusi," Renuka hushed her, tucking a strand of Khusi hair behind her ears and eyeing her insolent daughter.

As Khusi sat with Bhaskar to have dinner, she kept on replying to the countless comments she got on recent pictures.

"Why are you so obsessed with social media?" Bhaskar inquired.

"Why shouldn't I? It gives people countless opportunities to be famous," Khusi grinned, putting up her phone to take a selfie with Bhaskar and instantly posted it on her IG story.

The night went by with food, laughter and mingling with guests. Finally, Khusi and Bhaskar got their que to leave for their wedding night.

When they maneuvered inside the room, both of them were exhausted. Bengali weddings were long with lots of rituals, which had taken a toll on them.

Khusi's eyes stopped at Bhaskar as he took off his sherwani, his back muscles flexing. Warmth seeped into her body as she unabashedly checked out her husband through the mirror.

"You must be very tired, and so am I. So the lingering looks will have to wait Khusi. Atleast until we get our much needed sleep." Bhaskar smirked, attaching the sherwani to the hanger and Khusi's embarrassment peeked.

"I wasn't ... checking you out," she stammered, quickly walking into the washroom with her clothes.

Khusi looked at her flushed face as her stomach went haywire. Everything was new for her, including their closeness. She never had time to date anyone cause she was way too busy with setting her career. It had just been one year since she qualified the exam and got the job of a primary school teacher at a central board school.

Being independent finally, she wanted to take her time knowing different men and gain some experience regarding relationships and stuff, but before she could do any of that, she got married to Bhaskar. Of-course by her consent.

Well, atleast he was logical enough to impress her.

They shifted to Bangalore next week after Khusi finally got her transfer letter from her school. The next few days were chaotic for both. They lived together, got to know each other's habits and flaws. Bhaskar was a clean freak, Khusi was messy. They had their first arguments regarding this.

"Why can't you just put all your lipstick in one single stand?" Bhaskar sighed, putting away the towel Khusi kept on their bed.

"Because I don't use each one of them every day. It gets problematic in the morning when I am in hurry," Khusi screeched, grabbing her comb to brush her hair. It was 7:30 already and her classes were starting from 8 am.

"That wouldn't happen if you sleep early," Cocking one of his eyebrows, Bhaskar voiced, sitting down on the bed calmly.

"But I love to watch TVD. When will I watch it, if not at night!?" she defended her night owl nature, grabbing her kajal.

"May be in evening, when you go through your FB and IG feed for hours," Bhaskar pointed out. Khusi was already pissed and Bhaskar speaking the truth wasn't helping at all.

"Well! Then you shouldn't have married a person who is a messy night owl, unlike you!" she snapped and sauntered out of their apartment.

Bhaskar's mouth hung open at her words. Shaking his head, he rubbed his face.

"Oh Khusi," he chuckled.


It was around noon when Bhaskar decided to pick Khusi up from her school. He had his day off.

When Khusi saw Bhaskar's car infront of her school, she wanted to ignore it and walk away. But that would create a lot of scene. Also, she knew she over-reacted that morning. Bhaskar was just trying to make her understand and she snapped.

But she was mad cause he had let her walk away. She wished Bhaskar would call and fill her phone with multiple messages, but that was didn't happen.

Opening the shotgun door, she sat inside the car and put on her seat belt.

"Is the angry bird calm now?" Bhaskar teased.

Khusi was just about to lecture him when he held out a paper-bag infront of her.

"Chicken wings!" Khusi exclaimed, snatching the food and all was forgotten.


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