Chapter 8: Fighting My Insecurities

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Staying at home made me feel lazy, insecure and a little scared. During weekdays when Elvira had gone to work, I'm left at home. Thinking and swimming in the pool of thoughts and tears. The fear of passing out in the next minute slowly killed me.
'What if there's no one to help or take me to the hospital?' I thought and grabbed my phone.

I felt the urge to work, too. I'm only pregnant, not crippled. I can't remember the last time I smiled or even stepped out. Lost in thought, I took a shower and put on a simple white T-shirt and black trousers. I applied for jobs along the boutiques and restaurants along the street. Hopefully, I'd be able to earn and live like a human being. I knew some managers might not employ me because I'm in my trimester, but who cares? I just needed a life.

Luckily, I got an email from the two places I applied for. I didn't bother discussing this with Elvira because I know how much she's helped me so far. Truth is, I lost my job at Harlequin books publishing company because of these but I dare not tell my friend. She would be heartbroken.

That morning, after she left, I put on my new uniform and went to the restaurant. I applied for the post of a server and I got accepted. Luckily, I was asked to start immediately. Serving customers wasn't as stressful as I thought. At least, not until the second week.

There was this guy that always came to the restaurant for lunch. He placed his order. I served him a plate of hamburger, fries and an energy drink as ordered. About to leave, he held me back.

"What's it?" I asked mentally, as my eyebrows pulled up and furrowed at his. He pulled me forward again and his gray-blue eyes met mine.

Leaning so close, I perceived his beautiful scent of flower and earth. All I could think of was Damon and my body respond to his unexpected touch. I jerked away, he held me tighter. As if it was only the both hands of us there.

"Meet me outside in 5 minutes." With the look in his eyes, I couldn't help but to feel offended.

"W...why?" I stuttered, not knowing what else to say.

A sexy smirk spread on his full lips and he loosen the grip. I walked away, with my heart racing so heart. My cheeks turned red as I returned with the tray to serve other customers.

'I didn't know this guy. What have I gotten myself into?' The thought hunted me mentally while I avoided his mysterious gaze.

Five minutes later, he stepped out of the restaurant and sat in his Jeep. It was a shiny, black Jaguar F-type. He waited in it and I couldn't help but to feel tortured. The heat in my heart risen as a single sweat trickled down my neck. The guilty conscience was killing me.
'What if he does something unexpected. Guys like that would stop at nothing until they get what they want.' I swallowed down the burning pressure and decided to check on him.

Getting to his car, I gently tapped on his tinted windows and he opened the door for me. With courage, I entered. Closed the door behind me and took the passenger's seat.

His car froze inside, with his air conditioner on. One could perceive the strawberry fragrance of his classy vehicle, it did not move me a bit. Sitting beside him, He took off his dark shades and placed it in the side pocket of his black leather jacket. I realized the awkward silence and a shivering sigh escaped my lips.

"What took you so long?" He raised a thick eyebrow at me.

I just looked away, hoping no one was watching. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"I'm Jackson Ryder, but you can call me Jack. This is my card, just in case you want to meet up. We can talk and hang out during weekends." He deepened his hand into his side pocket and handed me a white printed card. I could feel the villain vibes coming from him.

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