Chapter 9: Childbirth

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“My back!”

“Be gentle...yes, lift your leg. Like that, yes!” Elvira instructed as I obeyed.

‘Hmmmm…’ I groaned out in pain.

As if a bowling ball landed on my spine. The sweat drops from my face tickled into my ears, but I didn’t mind wiping it off. Everything was useless right now. I hardly could feel myself as I took another step.

“Ahhh! My stomach!”

“What’s it?” Elvira pulled up her eyebrows in unison as she looked at my leg. “Everything would be alright, Ally!Your water just broke. Be careful, my dear. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. And gradually.” She illustrated while I did as she asked.

The pain came in waves and I was in the middle of a contraction when a new one would start. All of my focus was on the pain. It was terrible, this was painful than I’d expected. I wasn’t thinking about breathing or needing to go to the bathroom. All I wanted was to get the baby out and be free of these pains.

“I want to sit.” I begged, squatting a little.

“Okay, sit a bit.” She allowed me to rest on a stool.

Elvira massaged my back and temple to help me release stress and relax. I placed my hands at the small of my back and apply a pressure. Breathing in and out.

“Let’s go.” I told Elvira.

She held my hand as I leaned on her. We gradually moved and reached the door. Elvira drove me to the hospital, and they admitted me into the labour room.


Elvira paid the Smiths a visit. She met Lilith Jones–Damon’s personal assistant in office and was shocked because she was in Damon’s house. She knew definitely she must have lived with their boss.


“Yes, how can I help you?” She stood in a five inches heels and raises her gaze at Elvira in disgust. Although she had seen her twice in office. This was the first time of talking with her.

“I’m looking for Mrs. Julia.” Elvira asked with a fake smile.

Lilith hissed and left the door open. She walked to the living room and sat on the sofa with her legs majestically crossed.

Elvira took a seat and rolled her eyes at Lilith disgustingly. She started working with Smith Inc six months ago and she was sure because she got the job and connection through Mrs. Julia. They took the previous assistant secretary to the marketing department because of her.

Lilith took out a stick of cigarette and held it with her lips. Then brought out a lighter to burn its edge before sipping on it. She blew out the smoke to Elvira's direction and then, adjusted her seat.

Elvira coughed out the bad smoke and filled the air and hissed at her again.

“Stupid girl! She can’t work, but she came to steal someone else’s husband. Shameless slut! She her mouth like that of a duck!” Elvira gave a stern look at Lilith. She had two piercings on each sides of her nostrils.

Lilith hissed back at Elvira and put the waste of her cigarette into a white ceramic saucer, adjusting her silky, floral mini-gown and wavy, blonde hair.

“Immoral goat! When she’s blind. Puffing out smoke like a frustrated dragon. I don’t blame you!”

Elvira peeped at her from with corner of her eyes with so much hatred and hissed again. Just then, she heard the sounds of footsteps and turned to the direction. It was Mrs. Julia Smith.

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