Chapter 6: Good News

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The half-light at dawn seeped into my room. The dawn chorus of melodic morning breeze drifted in. Waking up that morning felt like a duty. Well, that's the feeling I get every day except for weekends when I would have to rest and spend time with Damon. The morning was bright and fair as usual.

About twenty minutes after waking, I had prepared his favorite desserts: buttermilk pancakes and butter cookies with chilled minty-flavoured lemonades. I brushed my long, red hair, sticking at the back of my ears with tiny, black pins and for the first time in forever, I wore a simple nude makeup and red, wrapped gown he recently bought for me.

It hugged my body, and I made sure everything looked heavenly before going downstairs to serve breakfast. Damon stepped out of the guest room, dressed in a navy blue suit and light purple sleeved shirt. He jelled his black hair to the back, and he looked charming as ever.

"Hello mum, I'm leaving for work."
I turned back to see Damon beside Mrs. Smith. She was eating breakfast while I served.

"Okay, my lovely son. It's weekend. After work, visit your friends and go clubbing. Do whatever you want, but please, be careful, okay?" She warned.

"Okay." He whispered and smiled. Seeing both of the smile gave me a good feeling. Damon placed a soft peck on his mother's cheeks. "See you later." He said before turning away.

"I've set the table. Won't you eat before leaving?" I smiled and their smiles dropped.

"No, I don't want to eat." He raised his gaze without even looking at me.

"I prepared your favorite, honey. And why are you avoiding me?"

"Are you stupid or deaf?" He turned to me with a glare. "Didn't you hear what I just said? I said I don't want to eat and you're insisting. Do you want to force me to eat? Why are you so daft? Don't you ever think that it's not only food a man should live for? Are you going nuts?"

I watched him speechlessly. I wanted to say something, but the words didn't come. My fingers just trembled, my legs stiff to the ground, and my my eyes were filled with tears. My clenched jaws swallowed down the tears.

"I said I don't want food and you're trying to... See, I married you to make babies, not cook. And besides, if I so will to hire a cook, I can as well do that!" Damon hissed at me and said to Mrs. Smith. "Bye mum."

"Bye, my love." She replied him and continued her meal while he left.

"Drive safely and have fun. She thought my son is a glutton or a food monger like she is. All she's only concerned about is food. We married you to make babies yet, what she talks about is food. FFO, for food only! Adelaide, I need to see my grandchild! I know you've eaten so much food that your intestines have blocked your womb, but not your ears, at least. I know you can hear me, you're not dump. Glutton! Get me a grandchild! Get me clean drinkable water. I'm not a fan of these herbs you serve!"

I just walked back into the room. Insults and thoughts filled my ears. It was a good idea that Damon was going out today. I don't mind how he spends his weekend, but he humiliated me again in the presence of his mother. With no remorse in his eyes or words, I couldn't help but to remember our first meeting. It was in a club we met. Elvira forced me to go out, and we coincidentally met her boss. Although I walked away after we exchanged greetings, he couldn't take his gaze off me. Reverse is the case now. I feel so useless. Why I'm enduring their drama is because I don't want to leave. There are many guys out there, I'm not a heartbreaker. I still love Damon so much and I'm willing to help him, even if he doesn't acknowledge me.

I opened my laptop and tried writing, but the ideas weren't coming. It knotted my brains in the thoughts of Damon. 'Oh God, what's my offense to you? What did I do? If I've committed so many sins to deserve this punishment, then have mercy on me. Is this what I get for giving love a chance?' I walked to our bed, lost in thought, and took our wedding framed picture on the bedstand. 'It's been seven years now. I have a hundred reasons to reason with my husband, but I know there's nothing you can not do. You're more powerful, the merciful. Let me have a child to cuddle. Bring shame upon those that mock me. Let me also be addressed as a mother. Don't make me the snake that slithers on a rock without a trace. Help me God and make my husband, mine again.'

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