chapter 6 decleration

Start from the beginning

"How did they even take you?" Chelsea finally asked the question plaguing her mind for days now.

"Well I didn't wear any sort of magical protection or spells for one, I expected a casual day, but that got ruined. I didn't bother using my own magic and those spells were surprisingly potent, and mixed with their numbers it was enough to temporarily overwhelm me, but that didn't actually last long. When I woke up I escaped and kicked their asses some more, but then I realised how I could use this to my advantage."

It took a second for Chelsea to realise the implications of that statement. "You could have escaped at any time!" She exclaimed, angrily throwing her arms up.

"Yeah, half of my reactions were actually illusions. I'm honestly surprised that no one figured that out." He said genuinely sounding confused.

"Wait" Chelsea began temporarily forgeting her anger. "What spells did they use on you?"

Charlie rubbed his chin "if I remember correctly it was Imperio and Crucio. Which both translate to a meaning of control and sovreignty to I torture. So yeah that actually caught me off guard."

"And it took a dozen to temporarily disable you?" Chelsea demanded wide eyed.

Charlie shrugged with a smug smile "I do have the best genes in our pantheon.

"That no one can deny." She huffed "i'm not sure I want to go back. I told some friends that I was a demigoddess and the first thing I was asked was when my mating season was."

Charlie stared at her for a bit. "I don't know if I should be laughing my ass off or kicking someone else's ass."

"Please don't kill anyone, except Umbridge you can kill her."

Charlie chuckled "i'll take you up on that offer. Now maybe you should go back and the school there's a huge chance a small army of monsters or a god pulls up."

"W-what! Why!" Chelsea demanded worried out of her mind.

"Well I might have sassed and humiliated a few gods and Goddesses, at this point it's a family tradition. Hopefully my family is going to find me before them."

Chelsea rose to her feet "are you sure you don't want to hide in the school?"

Charlie smirked "don't worry i'm not going to hide." He stated much to her nervousness.

The daughter of Libertas walked back to Hogwarts, determined to make sure the castle wouldn't fall.

Harry was worried sick, the last he saw from Chelsea before getting dragged off was her getting buried under rubbles.

He wanted to go find her, but Umbridge's lackeys were holding up at wand point like the rest of the D.A inside of Umbridge's office. Draco Malfoy wore the same contemptuous look bas his father as he looked at him.

"Chelsea could die Malfoy! You really want that on you're conscience?!"

Malfoy merely rolled his eyes believing it to be a ploy in order to escape.

"If she were actually there Potter I think I would have seen her." He snarked, Ron scoffed "you couldn't see a bat hanging from you're nose Malfoy, but I guess we can't blame you. That massive ego has to be hard to carry around. So normally a git like you can't see the obvious."

Malfoy angrily pointed his s Wand at Ron.

"Can you believe this George? Our baby brother actually has guts to talk to an idiot like that in such a situation?"

"Yeah Fred, if he could use these when it comes to mum I might actually be proud of him." Agreed Fred, Malfoy pointed his wand at the twins. Demanding to know which one of them mocked him. The two Weasley shared an unimpressed look and in one voice deadpanned. "Yes."

He growled and went to Hex them both, but someone tapped his shoulder.

He spun around angrily only to be punched accross the face so hard he spun around twice before meeting the ground.

"Anyone else!?" Chelsea scowled raising her wand. Harry wasn't sure what was wrong with her eyes, but the way she glared at the Slytherin made him happy she wasn't looking at him.

The students scampered away, Crabble and Goyle picking up Malfoy on the way out. Chelsea broke the charm holding her friend's together.


"Hi!?" Hermione repeated incredulously "you get blown off by an explosion spell and kidnapped by that other demigod and all you have to say is hi!"

The daughter of Libertas turned her glare on Hermione. Surprisingly she was silenced by it.

"Charlie saved my life." She snapped "right now we need to lay low, there's something way worse about to happen" she grumbled.

"What could possibly be worst?" Complained Harry on edge.

Chelsea bit her lip "we'll find out at dinner, don't worry about Umbridge for now, she's got bigger things to deal with."

"Like what!" Impatiently demanded Hermione. The bell rang momentarily stopping their conversation.

"Just act like nothing happened." Advised Chelsea Walking away.

The golden trio shared weird looks.

Around the mess hall everyone was silently eating. Even Malfoy who sported a black eye. The students dreaded the next announcement of Umbridge. Who had dropped her fake nice expression.

She looked uncharacteristicaly hesitant and didn't bother hiding the anger on her face. Or the glare she sent every last member of the D.A.

Chelsea only smiled on response, but it quickly morphed into a worried frown as Cornelius Fudge himself trudged next to Umbridge.

"Attention students of Hogwarts" he began tensly. Every students now had their eyes on him.

"In eyes of an unjustified attack upon the United States Congress of magic along with multiple establishment of the Ministry, the Ministry and the rest of the Congress has decided to enter war with the demigod kind. Britain is in high alert, every first year to fourth year students are to remain inside Hogwarts ground in the short time this crisis will last."

He hesitated to carry on.

"If needed, which it won't be mind you. Students above fourth year will be conscripted in the war effort, but this is just official courtesy. If demigods cannot comform to civilised ideals, then they will learn the hard way. Many shadows have loomed over us and passed. Today is no different. The Wizarding world will rise against these odds and win, like it always had. With this said I leave a squad of Aurors here with you, only in the posibility that the secrecy of Hogwarts location becomes compromised. No worries children's, this will be over under a week."

Confidently smiled the minister before leaving the mess hall. Which promptly erupted into chaos the moment he was out of view.

Panic rose around the great room like a tidal wave. Hermione threw a fiery look at a very calm looking Chelsea. "Why is you're kind starting a war!" She demanded trying to keep a volume down.

Chelsea looked at Hermione and replied like it was obvious.

"To win it of course."

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