5 - Thirty-three

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I pulled the knife out and leaned upon the surface as I waited to hear the bull that he was about to spew out. He placed the other knife on the island in front of him. He scratched the back of his neck before he begun.

"I guess, it all began after the accident. One of Satomi's betas worked at the hospital at the time, and when they brought in my body, she called her, and when they checked, it turns out I wasn't dead. The impact from the crash, but the damage that bitch did to my neck, just made my healing factor slow down, so Satomi, and the help of a few others orchestrated a way to help me recover and lay low, and once I was fully healed the helped me leave town," Dean told me, I took that in as best I could,

"If you were healing? Why did you leave?" I asked him, he sighed before he answered,

"Leo, in all official records, Thomas Prince died in the car accident," He told me, and a chill ran up my spine, "The EMTs, the deputies, even the Doctors at the hospitals all acknowledged, me, him, as dead. There were deputy and medical reports about my death, your mother's too, so it would be hard to explain, how a month after they saw my dead body, I was up and walking again. So to everyone who didn't know about the supernatural, Thomas was dead, but I survived,"

"So you left town, and after a decade, basically, you came back, why?" I asked, this time he paused before he spoke, he looked over to Sam, gave him a look, to which Sam shook his head, and Dean gave him a angry glare, before he nodded in my direction, Sam sighed before he shuffled back towards the island, he looked at me then to the knife in my hand, and I sighed, "Oh, for the love of..."

I flicked my wrist and threw the knife into the wall adjacent from me. It made a loud thud as it stuck their, Sam watched it before he looked back at me, he took a breath and begun to speak.

"Two reason, the first being Chuck, and the second is Eileen," Sam said to me, I shrugged at him like I was supposed to know who these people were,

"Who's Chuck?" I questioned,

"A rat-bastard, son of bitch, who's soul better be burning in hell," Dean spat out immediately after I asked, my brows furrowed at this as I looked over at Sam who gave a slight shrug in response,

"He's got a point," Sam added on,

"I'm gonna need more, nouns, verbs, adjectives and basically everything I learned in English, to fully understand what the hell you two are talking about," I said back to them, I pushed myself off the island and leaned back against the counter, I folded my arms and watched them,

"Okay, um, Chuck was an old acquaintance of ours," Sam begun,

"Who quickly turned enemy," Dean added on quickly, Sam glared at him, before he continued,

"Right, he was a hunter, not like us, but like Chris Argent, or more so, his father, Gerard Argent. However, unlike them, he did most of his hunting alone, and he used so really messed up tactics whenever he did," Sam told me, I opened my mouth to ask but Dean spoke before I could,

"He pretended to be weak, and claim to have information that could help those in need, and most werewolves, or wendigos, or anything who didn't know better would believe him. So, he'd butter them up, and when they lowered their guard and took him back to meet the rest of their pack, that lil weasel would turn on 'em in an instant," Dean said and did the cutting off heads gesture with the added noise,

"And for the most part, he was pretty good at it," Sam added on,

"Until?" I asked and Dean smirked,

"Until he met Sammy," Dean said as he patted the other man on the back, Sam's face turned red and he begun to smell like embarrassment, "You see unlike you're average supernatural creature, Sammy here is a bit harder to kill than most, so when the lil weasel tried to pry information out him, Sam refused to cooperate, and the chump bit off more than he could chew,"

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