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I woke up the next morning before anyone else or should I say I barely slept, I kept turning on my bed out of pure frustration. I needed answer, but I had none.

Miss lora's voice came blasting through the speaker again as it does every morning and this woke everyone .I reluctantly stood up and got ready ,I was scared to face Adam but at the same time I needed stomach was killing me so I had breakfast that morning .

As I walked into the dining hall my eyes searched for Adam, I wanted to enjoy my breakfast without having to talk to him or see his face,this was the first time I didn't want to see my bestfriend face. I walked to an empty space on the ruby's table and sat down, I kept staring at the empty plate in my front, I was hungry but I was more worried.

"Are you going to eat something or keep staring at your empty plate " a voice in front of me spoke and I lifted my head up to see who it was.
"Hey" I said as I chuckled lightly, I didn't expect lucilux to be seating right across the table.
"Good morning, did you get my message?"
"Oh ,yes I did" I had almost forgotten I was meeting him after classes .
"I hope to see you soon, now eat before the bell rings for classes to begin" lucilux said pointing to toast in front of me.
I took one toast ,egg and poured myself a cup of tea,I was hungry but for some reason I couldn't find my appetite. I shoved the food down my throat and stood up leaving for class. I kept my gaze on the floor to avoid seeing Adam's face.

"Ahh!"I said in pain as I collided with a hard surface, I looked up only to find Adam staring down at me,I wanted the ground to swallow me up that instant, I knew I was unlucky but why that much unlucky, I bumped into the last person I wanted to see today.

"I'm sorry " he said without moving his gaze from me . Suddenly I felt anger boil in me as I remembered yesterday's event.
" you should be " I spat out,I was more angry about yesterday's event rather than the issue at hand. I walked past him without looking back at his face,I was filled with rage but why. It isn't a sin to get kissed. I felt more betrayed rather than angry at him for some unexplainable reason.

The day went by fast and soon classes were over ,I dared not go to math club, I was ready to avoid him for life. I went to the location lucilux had told me to meet up. I walked up to the back of the chapel and walked some meters before I saw lucilux seating on a blanket with a sketch pad and pencil in his hand. I approached him dropping all my worries and sat down next to him.

"Martha, I didn't see you coming "he said with a big smile on his face.
"I didn't want to disturb the artist at work" I said radiating a great smile from my face.
"So.....why did u ask to meet up here" I said as I looked at the surrounding noticing how far we are from the main school.
"About that I have something to tell you " he said as he dropped his pad and took my hands in his.
"But first eat something " he said nodding towards the basket which I just noticed was between us.
" I notice you didn't eat much this morning so I got you this"
I opened the basket and found rice,some pieces of meat,fruit salad and a bottle of orange juice.
"How did you get all this" I said almost yelling.
"Anything can happen when you have money and know the right people " he said with an arrogant yet charming expression on his face as he laid dow and stared at the cloud .
"But it is wrong, what if...."
" just chill,they are trusted people. Now eat up before I change my mind "
The food look good and my stomach growled in excitement, I was so hungry. I quickly eat the rice and supported it with the cold orange juice. I ate meat to my satisfaction for the first time and soon I was done with that and started with the salad.
"Thank God I brought you something to eat if not you would have become a zombie my dusk looking for humans to feed on" he said with a small smile on his face.
I had forgotten he was there,I had been eating so much I lost sight of my surrounding. I slowed down and this only brought a chuckle to his mouth.
" I'm sorry, I was so hungry " .
"It's fine, I enjoy watching you eat. Most girls find it hard to eat comfortably in a guys present. "
That was true I was always comfortable around this arrogant guy. He treated me well and spends time with me even if I do most of the talking, he had once said he loved the sound of my voice and this only motivated me to talk more.
" you called me here for a reason right? Not only to feed me?" I asked as I continued with the salad.
" About that " he said as he pushed himself up and faced me
" I am not the type who tells people how I feel or shared my thoughts, but over the period of time I have been with you I found myself vulnerable around you . I am trying to say I like you Martha " he said not shifting his gaze from me,it felt as if he was studying me to see me reaction.
"Awwwwww,I like you too. You have been a good friend to me and I enjoy your com...."my words was cut short by lucilux sudden movement.
He moved very fast that I had to stop talking, he was on his knees now,he had left his seating position in less than a second and was now leaning in towards me. I dropped the salad with my right hand and place my hand at my side to support my weight as I was losing my balance. He was so close to me I kept on leaning back until I was now laying on the blanket staring at he golden brown eyes,I felt like a prey at that moment because I was completely pinned down with both his gaze and body.
"What are you doing " I breathed out almost out of breath.
" let me show you what I mean by I like you" and that was all he said before his gaze left my eyes to my now fruit flavoured mouth, I was about to speak again but I was shut up with warm lips against mine,this time I didn't resist ,let just say I have always imagined it happening. He slowly devored my mouth and I didn't hold back either. After what seemed like forever he slowly pulled back and sat down back. He stretched his hand out to help me up which I took.

As I sat up I looked everywhere but his face, I was excited, embarrassed and I felt my cheeks red with emotion.
" I had to show you what I meant, I am sorry for my behaviour "
He said in an unpredictable tone.
I couldn't read his emotions through his voice. I was speechless and just kept mute.
" please say something, anything is fine don't just stay silent "
"I have to go" what was I saying, my mind was saying something different but my mouth spoke otherwise and my body obeyed.

I stood up and carried my bag ,before I took a step I heard him say" I am sorry for my behaviour " but I just stayed silent and walked back to the hostel. This time I walked gently into the room and walked to the bathroom. I dropped my bag and stared at the mirror, could lucilux actually have kissed me, I must be dreaming. I opened the tap and splashed water on my face to wake me up but to my surprise it wasn't a dream ,my hand found it way to my lips as I recalled what had just happened.

"Did my biggest crush just kiss me?"I asked questioning myself. I started having romantic feelings towards lucilux before we went on break but my mother's drama made me forget about it ,it came back this year as we started hanging together but I kept on suppressing it. I had only kissed him in my dream and imagination, I can't believe that just happened.

His arrogant attitude had a way of charming me to fall for him ,I couldn't believe he felt the same way.

Oh no ,favour. I am betraying her and Adam how do i handle him.i sighed as the thought crossed my mind. Why is my love life cursed, I will have to hurt two people feeling. I walked into the shower to wash away some of my worries.

When I got into the room ,I met only Rolly who was busy with assignment, that reminded me I have to start with mine. I dropped my bag and pulled out my book, before I could open it a knock came through the door and Rolly and I looked at each other, I gave a look telling her I will answer the door. I stood up and went to open the door only to meet a junior who was smiling brightly, I enquired why she was there and she handed me a letter.
"Who is this from" I asked taking the letter out of her hand.
" he said you will know when you open it"
And with that she ran away before I could question her further.
I closed the door and walked back
" who was that" Rolly asked
I just said " A junior "
I hid the letter in my shirt and sat at my table, I slowly brought it out expecting it to be from lucilux but I recognise the writing and it was from Adam.

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