More than just friends

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It soon got dark and we left for the hotel,we spent the night there and my phone kept buzzing. It was my mom,she was finally taking me serious. I switched my phone to silent as I slept on the comfortable bed the hotel offered.

"Good morning maa! "The sound of the familia voice woke me up"hope you had a good night sleep,here is your breakfast. "He said with a big smile on his face as he placed the tray of food on the desk near my bed.

I reluctantly sat up to have my breakfast,I took the remote and switched on the TV to listen to the morning news. I was surprised to see my face on TV,OK.......maybe not really.

My mum is one of the well ranked officer in the FBI and had a lot of connection in different offices around the globe. The sight of my face on the TV made me scared,I was certain she would find me soon if I don't take actions fast.

We heard a knock on the door and Adam went to check who it was,it was the cleaner. Adam sent her off since her services wasn't needed,but Adam knew something was up. He hurried me up and we were set to leave, Sargent John was already downstairs waiting for us to come down.

We heard another knock on the door,this time more loudly. We could tell something was up so we hid behind the door and unlocked the door,the person knocking turned the handle of the door to come in since no one was answering.

As the door opened three men walked in and that was when we knew they were police officer,we quickly ran out of the room but not without being noticed. As we ran out my bag hit the door leaving a loud noise which alarmed the officers. They ran after us as we took the lift down stairs while they took the stairs,we ran so fast that we got to the car before they came down.

We were able to lose them soon due to Sargent John skillful driving, now I understood Adam's suspicion towards the cleaner who came earlier that morning,the hotel found out I was missing and I was wanted by the FBI. They informed the police officers when they confirmed I was the one on TV.

We soon got to Adam's house since that was the only place safe to go,his house reminded me of how my home use to look like,it was guarded by soldiers . For some reason his house looks very familiar,well we got inside and we met his mum ,she also looked familiar. I kept all my observation to myself and sat quietly and had the snack offered to me by his mum.

Mrs West was so welcoming as we told her how I got to her house,she immediately placed a call to her husband ,telling him to come home for a family emergency.

As I sat on the chair,I noticed some pictures which were beautifully arranged on top of the fire place. I requested permission to take a look, I walked towards the pictures and took one of it which was a picture of two soldiers standing back to back ,carrying sick guns which was pointed at whoever took the picture.
As I looked close I noticed one of the soldiers standing was my dad.

I was shocked to see him but I made no physical sign of worry as I made up excuses to cover up my wonder as I looked at the picture. I turned slightly to the right and sighted another picture which was a picture of two little kids on the grass playing,this picture shocked me more because I was one of the kids in the picture.

I couldn't take it anymore,I had to ask. "Why am I in this picture and why is my dad in this also." I said picking up both pictures and facing Adam and Mrs West. They both looked at me in surprise wondering what I was talking about.

"Why is my picture in your house and who is this boy. "

"That's me and my childhood best friend"

"what do you mean by childhood best friend,that's me in the picture. Don't you believe me Adam,here take a look." I said pulling out my phone and showing him my childhood pictures.

"Is that really you,but this is my childhood friend and her name is Samantha not Martha. "

"That is my name,only those close to me knows me by that name,wait do you really know me when I was young."

"I guess so"

"wait..........your granny said that our parents were friends."

"Mum do you know a certain Mr. Black and Mrs Black." He said facing his mum.(mrs West) "well dear,yes I do . The Black are very close family friend of ours,but we stopped communicating after David's death. Rose was really upset with everyone and left the country,we haven't heard from the Black in a long time."

"Ma'am you mean you knew my parent,wow what a world. Now I understand why this house looks so familiar and so did your face. Ma'am I am Samantha Black."

(Mrs West) "sam !! My God ,my little rabbit,I can't believe it's actually you. I saw you last during your 10th birthday. "She said with tears rolling down her eyes . (mrs West)" I still remember that day clearly, Adam and you decided to stick your hand into the cake and run after your dad's,it was very funny. Rose and I sat by the pool and made videos of you guys,I still have them if you want to see them."

"But mum why did maa leave and why didn't you tell me what happened to her family,you said they went abroad and were not coming back."

( Mrs West)" I had to dear,Rose was really upset and she broke form of communication,I knew you will be affected by this that was why your dad and I decided to take you to a therapist who was able to help you deal with losing you best friend."

"But I have good memories of Samantha. "

(Mrs west) "she also helped with that,she was able to inculcate memories into your head to help you deal with the situation."

"Mom!!! You did all this to me. "Adam said in tears and ran out of the house.

(Mrs west) "Adam!! Am sorry!!!. Sam please beg my son for me I did all this for him." Mrs west said also in tears ,seating on the ground.

I ran after Adam to console him,I found Adam in a room full with memories of our childhood. I met him kneeling in front of a big picture frame of him and my self. I moved close to see what he was looking at and saw him holding my hands,facing me and pulling me towards himself,teaching me to walk.

The moment was beautifully captured,I knelt down beside him and said" you need to forgive your parents,they did what was best for you. I'm always here by your side,your maa and your Samantha is here. "He looked me in the eye and hugged me tightly.

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