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Adam cried for hours,by the time we came back to the house his father was back. It seems Mrs West already explained everything that happened to her husband because he didn't ask any questions,all he did was hug me.

(General West) "I can't believe it's actually you,this house has missed your cheerful spirit. Am glad you are back . "He said still holding on to me. (Mr West) "I wish David was here to see what beauty his daughter has become. "

"I'm sure he can see us clearly"I said giving him a big smile.

"Food is ready! "Mrs west yelled out from the dinning room. We all walk down to the dinning room,wow! The table was full. "

"Are we expecting guest? "Adam asked his mum.

(Mrs West) "No dear, this is all for my little rabbit. "I smiled as I walked to the table.

(Mrs West) "come over here sam"she said pulling out a chair for me to seat. I sat down to enjoy the lovely meal prepared specially for me,only for it to be interrupted by the voice of my yelling mother.

"Mart!!! Martha!!! I know you are in here,come out . Nora!!! Bring out my daughter,you kidnapper ............" My mum kept yelling until we came outside where she was been held by two soldiers .

"Get your hands off me,I will make sure you are punished for this,do you know who I am........."she continued,still yelling at the soldiers and the West. Mr west had told me to stay with Adam by the door while he and his wife went to confront my mum.

"Calvin I can't believe you are also in support of this,you both kept my daughter without informing me. How could you,I told you to stay away from my family. You killed my husband!! You killed David ." she said in tears as she yelled at the General.

"Mart dear,he killed your father ,he is evil. Come to me dear,let leave this place."

(Mr West) "shut up Rose!! Shut up!! After all this years you still believe I killed David,David was my best friend my brother! How could I kill him. I wish I died instead of him......"

(Mrs west) "stop!! Don't say that. David sacrificed himself for you,he won't want to hear this from you so please don't ever say that."

(Mr West) "David took that bullet for me,it wasn't my choice,he jumped in front of me!! What could I have done. "At this point the trio were all crying so was Adam and I .I never knew the truth about how my father really died, all I knew was that by the time I came back with my granny from her house which I had gone to after my big 10th year Party.

I heard my father was called to battle and died in battle,I didn't know who was involved and in what condition he died. My mum flew me out of the state down to brazil where only God knows what she did to make me forget the west.

I went out to meet my mum and looked her in the eyes"mama,the West had nothing to do with dad's death. He was willing to give his life to save the country,mama can't you see he died a hero,at least he is a hero to me and to the rest of the united state. You have to let the pain go,I know it's hard,but you have to,so you can have space for the wonderful memories you both shared."

"You don't understand,you were still young when it happened. This people are murders !!!! "She said and spat on the ground.

"I will sue you for kidnapping and brain washing my daughter."

(Mr West)" Your mum needs help sam,allow me to help ease her pain. She is still in shock from the loss of your father,I have a friend who can help,I promise she will be fine."

"Maa let's help you. "Adam said holding my hand.

"Please bring my mum back to me,I barely have any good memories of her. I trust you ,do what ever is best for her." I said looking at the General and I turned to hug Adam.

I watched my mum as she was bounded into the car and was taken away. I had lost my appetite and kept crying all night. Adam took me to his room where I lied down as he kept petting me to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and met Adam next to me,he had spent the night with me. How sweet. I woke him up and we went downstairs to have breakfast,despite the food being so mouthwatering I was only able to have few slices of bread and tea.

After breakfast,I stood up to go freshen up in the room Adam's mom appointed to me.

(Mr west)"Sam . "I turned to see who called me,it was the general. He didn't come home last Night. "Good morning sir."

(Mr west)" morning dear,how was your night? "

"Fine...I guess. "

(My West)" I understand your pain dear but it's for the best,don't worry we are here for you."

(Mrs West)" yes dear,you are in safe hands. Freshen up, I booked you and appointment with Doctor Sylvia. She will examine you to know what Rose did to you."

"Thank you very much sir and ma." I said as I turned around and went upstairs. I entered the third room on my left which was directly opposite Adam's room. Wow! The room was beautifully decorated with my favorite color. I walked around and found out Mrs West had gotten me few clothes to change into and had dropped a book on my bed.

The book was titled The ugly duck. I sat on the bed and quickly glanced through it,the story felt familiar but I got headaches the more I tried to recall the story. I needed to see Doctor Sylvia so I could know what really happened to my memories,I undressed and went into the bathroom for a nice bath.

After the bath we got ,I went downstairs and we left for the hospital. We arrived at the hospital and was taken directly to doctor sylvia, she was a beautiful, yet young lady properly in her early 20's . (Dr.sylvia) "Good day mrs West, good thing the General called in early, I was about to leave to see my parent. Is she the girl you spoke about?"

(Mrs west) "Yes vee,I think Rose did the same thing we did to Adam to her."

(Dr. Sylvia) "let's not jump to conclusions, I will run some test to see what's wrong. "

I was as asked series of questions and could only answer few without feeling headache, I was also taking to a room for MRI scan.  The result came out about 30mins later and the truth was finally out.

(Dr Sylvia ) "Mrs West,Adam and Martha this is the results of all the test carried out on Martha today, it turns out the reason Martha has little memories of the past and some which aren't even real is due to the fact that her longterm storage system has been blocked and replaced with fabricated ones. She has been hypnotized into believing some untrue stories and find it hard to differeciate  which is real and not. If my calculation are correct am sure you have dreams of your real memories but can't see them as real due to the blockage."

"What can be done to correct this miss vee,but she remembers her father but not me why is that ." Adam asked worried  .

(Dr.sylvia)" she remembers only memories commanded to her by whoever did this to her and forget those blocked . This is an old method of dealing with traumatic patients but it has been barned in this part of the world but don't worry Adam she will be given some medication to  stop the blockage and make sure she use them regularly ,that a task am giving to you ok?"

"Thank you very much Dr. Sylvia  ,I really want to get my memories back. But Doctor, I take some medication to stop my headaches, my mom said it will help,should I still take them  with the drug you will give me?"
(Dr.sylvia) "Do you have them with you? "

"Yes I do." I said as I pulled out a plastic  bag out of my pocket and handed it over to her.

(Dr.sylvia)"oh my God."

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