My bestfriend 1

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"Yeah ,am in santarem."

"Really? Yes and I want to see you."

"Am sorry but you can't. "

"OK, I Will be at your house in an hour and half."

"What ! How did you get my address? "

"I have my sources . "

"Fine ,I will send you the address where we will meet."

"Good ,be expecting you."

The line got disconnected and my face was clearly showing confusion. I knew if I left the house nanny abby well be blamed for my disappearance, so I had to create a distraction.

I never knew I could come up with such a plan,I have only ever seen such things on TV. I wasn't sure it was going to work but I was willing to take a chance.

I took a bath and got dressed as soon as possible,i got a bag pack from my shelf of bags and placed some essentials in it.

I went downstairs to set my plan in other,I meet my mum on the couch reading her favorite fashion magazine. I approached her with crocodile tears dropping from my eyes. "Mum ? "She turned her head to look at me. "So you have finally come back to your senses . "

"Have you really forgotten dad? I miss him so much and am sure you miss him to. "

"I told you never to mention that name in my house,I never want you hear that Name again."

"No! I won't stop,I love him so much and I want to see him. Take me to him now!! "

"Martha James!!!"

"Don't ever call me that,I am Martha Black and only Black. If you don't take me there I will go myself. "I said running back to my room,I got my bag and ran out of the house. I ran so fast that my mum's guard could not stop me.

I made a stop at one of the local coffee shop nearby,that was where I sent the address to Adam. I was sure that my mum didn't follow me because she thought I wasn't serious with my leaving the house.

Soon Adam arrived at the coffee shop with a man in carmoflouge,I was sure he was a soldier because of his appearance. The arrival drew a lot of attention as they approached me,I felt embarrassed because I wasn't looking my best and I still had swollen eye from crying so much.

"Martha? "I looked up bashfully in response to Adam's call. "Oh my God what happened to you." He said as he moved close to me in rush holding my hands tightly. "I am fine Adam. "

"No you are not, I didn't know it was this serious. "

"What do you mean."

"I have been calling for some time to inform you of my arrival in the city but your nanny is always picking and saying you are not available."

"I had to beg her to please trust me,that you were going to take my calls and you did. "

"I'm sorry,I didn't know you had been calling,I had some family issues. "

"It's fine maa, oh sorry Martha."

(Waitress) "your coffee is here ma. Thank you. "(Waitress) "what would you like sir"she said facing Adam.
"What she ordered." I smiled slightly at his statement as I sipped my coffee.
(Waitress)" Be right back sir."

I leaned close to Adam"who is he? "

"Oh, that's Sargent John,he is my bodyguard. "

"Who has a soldier as a bodyguard,I asked again. "

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