who is he

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The next morning,the voice of miss lora woke us up as usual,I woke up feeling weak and could barely move my body,I called on Rolly to help me up,that was when she noticed little red spot around my body.

I had swollen face and I was running a very high temperature,she quickly ran out of the room leaving me in care of jade,favor and kay as she ran to miss Lora informing her of my situation,they ran back to check on me . By that time the whole dormitory knew something was up and they ran after Rolly and miss Lora .

In less than a minute my room was full with students,miss Lora called on one of the student standing in the room to help her take me to the school nurse . I was carried out of the room by a strong and muscular guy in a cradle position,I could barely see his face because I felt sick from inside and my eyelids were swollen,preventing me from seeing clearly.

By the time I opened my eyes,it was around 6pm,as I turned to look around I met a guy next to me. At first sight I thought it was Mr.thief.....oh, sorry Adam. But I was wrong ,I saw an unknown face holding what seems to be a sketch pad and a pencil. I watched this figure draw for some time before I said hi.

The sound of my weak voice drew his attention,as he looked at me with his golden brown eye which reflected more as the light in the room hit his eye balls,I was drowning in gaze of his eyes.

He asked if I was OK as he gently placed his hand over my head,checking my temperature. "let me get the nurse "he said as he walked towards the door,I watch him walk out of the room and come back with the nurse.

"She looks better said the nurse,I will inform miss Lora just stay here with her. "The nurse walked out of the room leaving the strange face with me"my name is Martha"I said try to break the silence. 

"I know" replied the boy while picking up his pad to continue his drawing.

In surprise I asked how he knows my name,(lucilux)" I saw you the first day you came with your mom to fill your file."

"Really?but that still doesn't answer my question. How do you know my name?"(lucilux) "I overheard your friends calling you the other day and besides am sure everyone in the hostel probably knows your name due to what happened this morning."

 Oh...."I said shyly." Why are you here?" I asked looking at him draw .(lucilux)" I just got back from extra lesson with Mr. Koffi and decided to check on you. "

"Thanks but isn't that too much for someone you don't know that well?" He smirked looking at me and continued drawing.

"Who are you drawing?" I asked trying to peep (lucilux)"none of your business,he said as he drew his drawing to his chest."

(Rolly) "Hey Martha"I looked towards the door and saw the girls"hello."
(Kay)"you made us so scared this morning"(Jade)"yeah......what happened exactly "(Favor)"you looked like a pumpkin."

(Rolly) "girls!"

"It's  fine "I said smiling at them"I feel much better,at least I can see more clearly"I said still smiling.(favor)"hey handsome,thanks for your help this morning"(the girls)"yeah thanks."(Rolly)"Thanks for coming to check on her,we will take it from here"(Favor)"but he can......"(Rolly)"Favor!!"

(Lucilux)"I was about leaving"he said as he stood up from the chair which was beside the bed which I laid on,picking up his bag and swinging it over his shoulder. He bid us farewell as he walked out.

(Favor)"Rolly?why will you do that to him,he seems nice."(Rolly) "don't be deceived by his fine face am sure he probably has a lot of girls he his toying with right now."

"Who is he?"

(Jade) "I don't know,all I know is that he was the one who brought you here and he is also in our dormitory ."(kay) "his full name is lucilux Hunter,he is in the same class as I ."

(Rolly)" let's just drop his matter and focus on Martha,besides that's why we are here. "

"Yes "they said in agreement with Rolly.

(Miss Lora) "hey dear, the nurse told me you are better and you can go back the dormitory. I placed a call to your mom,she sends her greetings,she is out of town right now but says she will fly in as soon as possible to check on you. You seem really close to your mom Martha." She said with a smile on her face.

"Yes ma'am,she is the best. Can we go now,am tired of laying here. "(Rolly)"what really happened to her?"(miss Lora)"the doctor said she had an allergic reaction to Betony plant,usually found in the woods. "

"Wait.......how did you even come in contact with one,none of those are grown in the school...........except,oh my God ........did you go into the woods!"

I introduced a new character ,do you like his vibes ,what role will he play?
Thanks for reading, don't forget to comment and vote.

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