Stay away

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I was shocked at Dr.sylvia statement, I quickly enquired about her reaction to the drugs.  "Dr .sylvia, is everything okay. "

( Dr.sylvia)" I am sorry to say this but this drugs  are the reason why you can't  recall anything, any time you try to remember anything or have a flashback ,when you take this drugs it gives you a mental block and fall asleep, when you comeback around you can't remember anything you were trying to recall.But don't worry I will give you a drug that will help your memories but you have to stop this drugs."  I nodded in agreement to her statement.
We left the hospital and headed to the park ,Adam and I took the merrygoround  some couple of times and had cotton candy on our way home.
It's been a long time since I was so happy, for some reason I felt alive  but I couldn't get the thought that my mum was held in a mental hospital out of my mind. The thought of it made me wet my pillow

Days flew by and it was times for us to resume back at Rosehill highschool . The general has gone back on a mission and we were left with mrs west to escort us back to school. We had gone for a big shopping three days before we left for school, she bought everything in two since she was shopping for Adam and I.

We took of for Brazil at 6pm and were in school by around  3pm the next day, everyone was shocked to  see us together.  I could feel there eyes piercing my skin but I ignored it since I had Adam at my side.
Mrs west was all over me and couldn't  contain her excitement  to bring me to school and help me unpack.

As I stood by mrs west and Adam as they unloaded the trunk ,I heard someone call my name ,it was Rolly. I have missed her so much.
She arrived a day before me and has come to help me move my things In.
"Rolly! I have missed you so much, how was your summer. "

(Rolly) "I missed you too,summer was good. Guess what?"

(Rolly)" my dad got me a car!! "

"Really? "I said so happy for her.

(Rolly)"I even drove myself to school. "

"Wow,that's good.  I will take a look later but have you seen the other girls? "

(Rolly)" oh ,only jade and kay,they are inside unpacking.  Favour say she will come later in the day."

We kept talking as we moved things to the dormitory, mrs west was busy designing my room so I had time to catch up with the girls, i didn't tell them about my mum or Adam and I relationship. I just spoke about the adventures we had together and had explained that my mum was too busy and told Adam's mum to dropped me off.

Meanwhile  Adam had gone to his dormitory with his friends and I didn't see him again that day since I skipped dinner that night.

While talking to the girls at the dormitory courtyard lucilux had approached me and asked me to come on a picnic with him. I agreed since we didn't communicate during the holiday,I wonder why he never called.

During the picnic I asked why he never called me up,he said he was being punished by his dad for throwing a party and his phone line was cut off and had to go out with his little sister every time he wanted to go somewhere, he dad said "This should teach you some sense of responsibility " lucilux said coating  his dad.

I felt his pain but at least his summer was better than mine,he spoke about his sister alot and about the dress up party, tea party and birthday party he had to attend  ,I couldn't hold my laughter as he spoke about it.
It was nice talking to him, I felt free of all my worries, it was almost like I was talking to Adam.

He walked me back to the females dormitory and left. Mrs west was still here,he was doing her final touches on my desk as I walked in,the smile on my face says how happy and impressed I was. I could tell she felt it too,she left soon enough but not without showering me with kisses. I laid on my bed trying to reach for my necklace forgetting I had given Adam.

I sighed at my realization and just placed my hand on my chest and slept.

School started almost immediately and everything was going fine until I was kissed by Adam.

It was a regular  Wednesday and I had gone to the math club again, I sat by Adam but this time somewhere in the middle of the class. We stayed back after the class to just talk about how our day has been like we do after every day comes to an end.

I noticed he was rather quiet and kept staring at me but I ignored thinking he had nothing to say,I kept on complaining about biology class and how my class mates started shouting when it was announced the topic was reproduction. I don't even know what brought about the kiss ,was it my talking about reproduction or he has been anticipating on how to do it for a long time, I was so confused.

As I kept talking he kept on  rubbing the back of his head as he moved his head around. I was seating on the table I  front of him while he sat  on the chair facing me. All of a sudden he stood up and  pulled me close ,I was shocked but just thought he wanted a hug,but I was wrong. Just before I could say a word my mouth was shut with his index finger, I could feel his breath on my face .

I love you Martha, that was the only thing I heard before he released his finger from my mouth and shut it close almost immediately with his lips. He drew me closer as he kissed me passionately, using his left hand to  hold my waist which pulled me close to him and using his right to hold my head in place.  The kiss lasted a while because I froze immediately his lips locked with mine and kept thinking it was a dream, I can't believe my best friend is kissing me right now.

It took some time before I could escape his grip and push him back to his seat as I jumped off the  table. I quickly took my bag and tried to run,he held my hand but he lost his grip as I twisted my way out,I had some flashbacks of my dad training me on how to defend myself, I quickly put it into use and ran out but not without yelling at him to stay away.

I didn't stop running until I got to my room, the girls where shocked to see me sweating seriously, I didn't answer any of their questions and just ran into one of the bathroom and locked the door behind, I stood  In front of the mirror and touched my lips,I couldn't believe what just happened. 
The girls kept on knocking but I didn't answer until after an hour after having a cold shower.

I could tell the girls were worried but I told them I was fine and just needed rest. I dropped my bag on my chair and looked on the table only to find  a brown file,I asked who it was from and they said they had no idea ,it was just dropped off by  a junior.

I took the file and sat on the  bed, opening it I pulled out a sketch and a piece of note. The sketch was of me and I recognised who sent it immediately, it was a sketch of me sleep on the bed,it was from lucilux . This must have been what he was drawing the day I first met him I thought to myself, I quickly  read the note and it contains  details of time and place where I should meet him the next day.

Before I could put it back into the file Favour snatched the file and showed the girls the content and they  all started screaming . I was surprised favour was screaming  as well ,I thought she had a crush on lucilux. I was about to question her but Rolly snatched the word right out of  my mouth .

(Rolly)" I thought you liked Hunter why are you so happy, it's obvious he likes mart ."

(Favour )" No! He doesn't, he is just being nice,and I am happy because I know one day he will draw me also or who knows if he has alot of drawing of me." Favour kept on screaming but I was not interested in their conversation, all I could think of was the kiss.

Why did he kiss me?

What was he thinking?

Was it because I was talking about that topic?

But if felt deeper than that,almost like he has been wanting to do it.

I kept thinking as I rowed on my bed unable to sleep, I didn't even have dinner because I wanted to avoid him. Ahhh!!!

what are we,bestfriends?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum