Haha, hey guys. . .

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Ok, ok, ok, I know what you're thinking. "Tillie, where on EARTH is the next chapter!? It's been MONTHS!" 

Yeah, I get it. I'm so sorry. I'm the villain I fear most, lol. So just putting it out there for the record, I haven't forgotten about this story and it does have an ending. But with school and work, I just literally cannot find the time or motivation to complete it. 

To those whose hearts I've broken, I am not worthy or your forgiveness but I would be honored to receive it. To those who check back every couple days or weeks, hoping there will be a new chapter, you are respected by all. 

So to answer the question that may be burning in your mind - yes, hopefully, this story will end. Not now, not tomorrow, but I am close to an ending. The best I can recommend is that you pop up and check back every couple of weeks if you really want to have an ending, but I can't promise a specific time the story will finish. 

Has anyone done the IB program at their school? If you do, you know the hell I've been through and I'm  not even halfway done. I'm also working two jobs so I swear I have a valid reason for leaving you all hanging. Thanks to everyone who's been reading, I really do appreciate it. 

An ending will come. . . one day. 


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