The Truth

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As Massimo trudged home, he couldn't help but worry from what he would tell Alberto and Giulia. They would be crushed when they found out what was going on. Massimo knew they must have known something to some extent, as it was Alberto whom he watched ride down the hill on a vespa. Where had he even gotten the vespa? Massimo needed answers. He had so much to figure out. He needed to know where Luca came from, where Alberto came from, who their parents were, and more. It was going to be difficult to get all the stories in one night.

Through the walk home, many people walked up to Massimo to give their sympathy for Luca being in the infirmary. Thomaso, Massimo's good fishing friend, even went up to apologize for originally threatening the boys in their sea-folk state. He even told Massimo that he had walked Alberto home and the two had waited for Giulia.

"Thank you, Thomaso," Massimo said solemnly as he approached his home. "I'm sure Alberto is very grateful."

"It's nothing, my friend," Thomaso said, taking off his hat. "Again, I am very sorry. I hope Luca will be ok."

Massimo nodded in gratitude, secretly glad to be alone once again. As he looked up at his home, only the kitchen window illuminated, he prepared himself for seeing Alberto. He didn't know how he was going to explain any of this. He had seen how heartbroken Alberto was when Luca wasn't breathing. He also had to apologize to him. Properly, this time. He couldn't imagine what it would feel like to live under someone's roof, to fish with someone who was out to kill him. It only added to Massimo's guilt for everything he had let happen. How could he make this right?

At least he could see Giulia again. Massimo had missed his beloved daughter and having her in his arms again would hopefully make everything just a little better. He was secretly terrified at her reaction to what had happened with Luca, but Massimo was sure Alberto had filled her in. Nothing hurt worse than seeing his daughter cry. He hoped that the news that Luca was going to be ok would cheer them all up. At least a little.

The first thing Massimo noticed when he walked through his backyard door was that Machiavelli hadn't come out to greet him like he usually would. It made Massimo nervous, but he soon realized where Machiavelli really was. When Massimo walked through the doorway of his home and into the kitchen, he felt his heart drop as he saw Alberto curled up in a chair at the kitchen table. Machiavelli, surprisingly, was being held in Alberto's arms. He looked somewhat annoyed that Alberto was burying his face into his back, but didn't move.

"Alberto?" Massimo said quietly, not wanting to scare him.

This had the opposite effect, as Alberto jumped to unwrap his arms. Machiavelli gave a relieved meow to be free and he jumped down Alberto's lap and ran happily to Massimo for a pet.

"Machiavelli," Massimo whispered, giving the cat a good scratch behind the ears. "Have you been keeping Alberto company for me?"

The cat gave a proud meow as Massimo stood back up, nervously adjusting his stance to make him look less threatening.

"Alberto," Massimo said, pulling a chair out from under the table to sit. "Are you ok? Was Thomaso kind to you?"

It took a bit of silence, but finally, Massimo cracked a small smile to see Alberto respond with a sniff and slight nod. At least he wasn't going to run away again.

"Is Luca dead?" Alberto asked, his shaky voice muffled as he kept his head buried into his knees.

Massimo gave a relieved sigh since Alberto was talking now too, and shook his head with a small smile.

"Luca is perfectly ok," Massimo assured him. "He was just in shock from the loss of blood. He's recovering right now."

Alberto frantically lifted his head, revealing heavily bloodshot eyes stricken with tears.

"He is?" Alberto said, almost unable to believe the news. "Can we see him? Where's he at? We need to-"

"Slow down, figliolo," Massimo said, putting a steady hand out. "The doctor says he'll call us when we can go. Right now the doctors are making sure Luca is recovering at a good pace first. But they said they need your help."

Alberto sniffed, and wiped his cheek. "My help?"

Massimo nodded. "They need to know where Luca was and what happened to him. I have a feeling you and Giulia know. . . where is Giulietta?"

Alberto's eyes shifted as he seemed to gaze into his thoughts. The image began to set a creeping, underwhelming feeling that something wasn't right. Alberto looked up at Massimo with a worried face as he tried to find the words to speak.

"Alberto. . . ," Massimo repeated once again. "Where is my daughter?"

Alberto took a breath, and nervously twiddled his thumbs as he spoke.

"With Ercole."

Massimo tipped his head to the right. Had he been hearing properly?

"Ercole Visconti?" Massimo finally asked, more confused than ever. "Whatever would she be doing with him?"

Alberto just stared at Massimo as the situation began to unfold before his eyes. As Massimo put together the pieces in his head, his heart began to pound as he looked back up at Alberto.

"Ercole did it!" Alberto blurted, new tears falling down his face. "He did everything! He kidnapped Luca, he hit him everywhere! He stabbed him with knives, and- and h-he d-drugged him and-"

Massimo wrapped his arms around Alberto as Alberto began to sob violently into Massimo's shoulder. But he couldn't hold on for long. Massimo pulled away, keeping his hands on Alberto's shoulders as he looked him in the eye.

"Is Giulia with Ercole?"

Alberto looked terrified at what to do, but he slowly nodded.

Horror filled Massimo as he began to realize who his daughter was stuck with. Instant adrenaline shot through him like electricity as his mind began to race. If Alberto was telling the truth, which he had no doubt about, it meant Giulia was with the man who had almost killed Luca. That's when Massimo realized- he had seen Alberto fly down the hill of Portorsso with Luca on a red vespa. Ercole's red vespa. Only with Luca. No one else.

"No!" Massimo shouted, unable to control his horror as he stood up in a flash.

Alberto looked up in panic, reaching his arms out, trying to speak. But Massimo had to cut him off.

"I'm going to get Giulia!" Massimo shouted, turning towards the door. "Alberto, you stay here!"

"No!" Alberto shouted back. "Please, I- I want to help! I want to come with you!"

Massimo couldn't let this happen, and wouldn't let Ercole claim another victim. Especially his daughter and Alberto.

"I'm sorry," Massimo rushed. "I must go alone. Wait for a phone call from the doctor. Do not move until I am back! Understand?"

Alberto barely had time to react. "She's up and around the hill at the first house you see!"

Massimo frantically nodded as he turned his head back towards Alberto with a smile. And with that- he bolted out into the night. Without a lantern. Without Machiavelli. He had to save Giulia. He had to get to his beloved daughter before it was too late. 

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