When the Plan Fails

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Ercole and Luca had sailed farther away from the shore of the private beach. In Ercole's mind, Luca couldn't swim and was therefore trapped meaning he was no longer a threat to Ercole on the ocean. It made Ercole feel safe enough to put away his army knife while guiding the boat. But Luca knew better of course. In just moments, he could pretend to fall and drown into the sea, getting Ercole to think Luca was dead. After that he'd go straight to Massimo's house. He'd tell Alberto what happened, and the two of them would- Luca didn't know. What he did know is that he still wanted to be a human, but not in Portorosso. He had plans to convince Alberto to go with him to Giulia's school. Ercole wouldn't be able to reach him in Genova, right?

As the sky became darker, Ercole stopped the boat around half a mile away from the shore. He pulled out the harpoon, which was laying on the boat's floor, and stood up to look into the water. Luca knew he was expected to help Ercole, but there was no possible way he could. For one, his little village of just twenty other sea creatures was situated near the island in front of Portorosso. Luca could see the island, but it was just a speck on the dark sea. There was no possible way Ercole would catch a sea monster, unless Luca got wet. But that fear was trickling away. Unlike Massimo, Ercole didn't make the boat rock too much when he moved, and the ocean was rather calm.

"So where did you see the sea creatures?" Ercole demanded, peering into the water below him.

Luca sighed. He had already explained this too many times, but Ercole was relentless.

"I told you," Luca said. "I was lying. Alberto and I were just joking."

At the sound of Alberto's name, Ercole's face became red with anger and he turned back towards Luca. He had a fishy feeling about Alberto and Luca's relationship and he wanted to know more about it.

"You and Alberto," Ercole said, trying to initiate the conversation. "You're close, correct?"

Luca shrugged. He definitely liked Alberto, almost more than a best friend, but it was hard to put into words. That's why he missed his rose, because it did it for him.

"Yeah," Luca finally answered, being cautious not to reveal too much to Ercole.

"Good friends, perhaps?" Ercole pushed, a sneaky grin spreading across his face. Luca didn't know what Ercole was looking for in this conversation, but all he did know is that it was making him extremely uncomfortable.

"I guess," Luca said, wrapping his arms around his knees as he brought them up to his chest.

"I don't know, Piccoletto," Ercole continued, staring back into the water. "Something's fishy with you two."

Luca couldn't care less. He didn't know what Ercole was trying to point out, and Luca was too tired to think more on the subject. Besides, talking about Alberto would only make Luca miss him more. Everything about Alberto comforted Luca in every way. In fact, being wrapped in his arms at night was the happiest he had ever felt in his life. He resorted to scratching at the cut on his chest.

"And your rose," Ercole continued, sitting down and facing Luca. "Who was it for? You know Giulia isn't a very, how should I say- flowery person?"

Luca looked out into the ocean and realized they were far enough to put his plan into action. All he had to do was stand up, and-

"Who was the rose for, Piccoletto?" Ercole persisted, this time his voice dangerously low. Luca watched as he reached his hand into his pocket, and saw the handle of the knife peek out threateningly.

"It was for Alberto," Luca said, more confused than worried. Why did Ercole care?

"Wait," Ercole said. "You bought a flower for Alberto?"

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