*Feedback from you :D*

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Hey guys, Tillie here! 

I want to hear your feedback for this story. Are you liking it? Anything I need to work on? I'm open to respectful criticism. 

I'm new to writing on here, and this was kind of like an improv story I started so I'm learning to make my writing more unique and fun to read. But it's important to me that I know what you guys want to hear!

Also, I'd love ideas for this story! I already have a basic layout of how the plot will be carried out and ended, but if you guys have any little details or ideas you'd like to add, don't hesitate to give some input!

This could mean little things you'd like the characters to do or say, or maybe some bigger ideas on what can happen next. If I like them, I'll try incorporating them into the story! Thanks for reading, everyone! ^-^

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