A Trick

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Luca couldn't speak. Ercole had called himself his nightmare, but that wasn't true. Nothing was more horrifying than the fact that Luca lost all effort to make sound. He had tried so desperately to make sure Ercole wouldn't hurt Giulia, but the effort was worthless. She had gotten hurt anyway. And now Alberto would too. The second he had heard the big bang, everything went dark. When he had heard Alberto's voice, his heart had lifted, just for a moment before the pills were taking effect.

Now, he was being held in Alberto's arms, sobbing violently into his shirt. He had longed for Alberto, and now he was finally here. Though now he wished Alberto was as far away from him as possible. Then, he'd be safe. Luca kept a tight hold on Alberto's shirt, trying to take in every bit of comfort possible before he'd go unconscious, trying to inhale as much of Alberto's scent before being killed. Before getting Alberto killed.

Luca sobbed harder into Alberto's chest, his tears soaking up the soft yellow fabric. He wanted to tell Alberto it was too late. To leave him with Ercole before he got hurt too. The pain hurt so much. The taste of his own blood filled his mouth, the uncontrollable shaking making it harder for him to breathe. He could feel his stomach churn as the nauseating dizziness came back in painful waves. As Luca cried, trying to express his fear, his pain, his pure sadness at the prospect of his love for Alberto being torn apart by Ercole.

"Piccoletto here can't take any more beatings for now," Luca could hear Ercole say, from what seemed like miles under the sea. "Maybe it's time for you to take his place."

Luca let out a louder sob as he tried to kick, trying to breathe, trying to tell Alberto to run. To abandon him. He wasn't worth his life.

The nausea came back, and Luca bit his lip with such force, he could taste fresher blood. He didn't want to vomit all over Alberto, so he willed himself to keep his mouth shut, muffling his sobs. A clicking noise sounded from behind him and he felt his body lift as Alberto pulled him closer.

"Don't touch him!" Alberto shouted from above him, his voice leaving an echo in Luca's head. An echo of pure pain.

Luca felt the tip of something cold press up against his neck. It was sharp, causing Luca to try to move away. Alberto's response was to squeeze him tighter, almost as if he was holding Luca to contain his violent trembling. But something worse was happening. Luca felt his body's shaking dwindle the smallest bit, as he lost the strength to sob. A wave of overwhelming fatigue fell over Luca. The pills were working their "magic." He began to lose the strength to cry as he tried to turn his head up towards Alberto to warn him. To make him leave.

"Give him here," Luca heard Ercole say. No, no, no! No, this shouldn't be happening! Luca would much rather die than go into Ercole's arms.

Luca forced himself to open his mouth, trying to let out a sound of protest as Ercole continued to speak. "I'll put him down. We'll let him rest. You can take his place."

Luca's heart squeezed with pain as he realized what Alberto would be put through. He couldn't let that happen.

"No!" Alberto shouted back. Luca could feel his tears drip onto his forehead as the rest of Alberto's words echoed in a distant place. "Don't! Let us go!"

I'm not worth it, Luca said in his mind, wishing Alberto could hear his thoughts. Just go. Save yourself. I'm already gonna die anyways. Just please. Go!

A sharpness pierced the skin on the back of Luca's neck, sending a shiver down his spine as he squirmed to stay away from it. He realized what it was. Ercole's blade must have been against his skin as a warning, a threat towards Alberto.

"Fine!" Alberto shouted. "Just- just don't hurt him. . . please!"

No! Luca screamed in his mind. He couldn't bear to leave him, he couldn't let this be the last time. He couldn't let him take his place. Luca let out a small wail as he attempted to grab Alberto's shirt, his weakness stopping him. This couldn't be possible. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen! Luca looked up at Alberto, trying to keep his eyes open, trying to communicate.

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