Alberto's Sacrifice

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Alberto had dropped Luca's shirt, and let it lay pitifully on the ground. Instead, Giulia and Alberto were both staring at the delicate, yellow rose in Alberto's hands. It was still as bright and joyous as ever, but it's petals were fraying from a lack of care. The stem was flimsy and pale, and a petal slowly made its way to the ground as Alberto's hands shook.

"I was right," Giulia whispered, her eyes fixed upon the plant. "He did go to the nursery. He- he got you a rose."

Alberto sniffed, and wiped away a tear. "That was his surprise. . . He wanted to get me a rose."

Alberto's heart ached painfully. So Luca did want to get him a gift after all.

"Oh wait," Giulia gasped. "Alberto, Luca told me- well, I'm not supposed to tell anyone I think, but-"

"Tell me," Alberto said, turning away from the rose. "What did Luca say?"

Giulia took a deep breath and tried to compose herself as her tears streamed down her cheeks. "He- he said he was getting it to show you. . . that he loved you."

Alberto's heart fluttered, and his breath got caught in his throat.

"Loves me?" Alberto asked, turning back towards the frail flower. "Luca said that?"

Giulia nodded, and laid a hand on Alberto's shoulders. "Yeah. You gotta tell him you love him back. How are we gonna do that?"

Alberto gave a small smile as he tucked the rose behind his ear. It had lost enough petals by now that it was small enough to fit.

"Here's my plan," Alberto said, turning towards Giulia. "But it won't work unless. . . unless I show you something first."

Alberto had made up his mind. The vespa didn't matter. It never did. Alberto wanted Luca to go to school, and learn, and grow like Luca was always destined to. But in order for his plan to work, he'd have to make a great sacrifice.

"What is it?" Giulia said, studying Alberto's face.

"We have to get to the ocean," Alberto said. "But- not in front of Portorosso. Is there anywhere more secret we can go?"

Giulia understood what Alberto wanted and gave a determined nod.

"You drive, I'll guide you. Come on!"

Giulia ran off towards the vespa, but turned once she realized that Alberto wasn't following.

"I don't want to ride it without him," Alberto admitted, quietly blushing. "I always promised- I always said it'd be me and him for our first time."

Giulia nodded. "That's ok. It's not that far anyways, we'll roll it."

Alberto caught up to her and the two each took a handle bar of the vespa and began rolling up into the quieter, completely abandoned alleys. Soon enough, they had left the side of the hill Portorosso was settled in and went down towards a quiet little beach. It was gravelly and full of vegetation, but Alberto didn't need too much time.

"So why do we need to go to the ocean to show me this thing?" Giulia asked as she followed Alberto towards the water.

Alberto shifted uncomfortably as he tried to find the right words. "Before I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone. Not your dad, or even Machiavelli. Capito?"

Giulia nodded. "Capito."

"And you have to promise not to freak out," Alberto continued. "This might be scary, but I'm still the same person as before. You have to promise me."

Giulia laughed. "Alberto, why are you being so serious? Just show me and get it over-"

Alberto crouched down and dipped his hand into the ocean as Giulia spoke. He scooped up some of the water and held out his now violet, webbed palm in front of Giulia's face.

Giulia's words got caught in her throat as her eyes widened at the look of Alberto's scaly hand.

"I- you're. . . ? Alberto?" Giulia said, not able to speak. "You- you're a- a sea monster?"

Alberto quickly retracted his hand and pulled it away to wipe behind his back. His neck was already sweaty at the thought of what could happen next, and he winced at what he thought was about to come. But instead, something surprising happened.

Alberto felt the impact as Giulia slammed into him with the most bone crushing hug he had ever felt in his life.

"Ack- ow!" Alberto cried from Giulia's squeeze. "Let go! What are you doing?"

Giulia stepped back and laughed. "I'm sorry, it's just- this is crazy, and explains so much. But I'm happy you told me."

Alberto was pleased with the reaction, but still felt heavily annoyed with her for almost knocking him out.

"Thanks, just- ugh, never do that again," Alberto grunted.

Giulia shrugged. "Ok, maybe I'll do it to Lu-"

Both Giulia and Alberto gasped.

"Luca!" they both exclaimed, realizing what this meant.

Giulia began to hyperventilate. "Alberto. . . Luca isn't, I mean- don't tell me Luca's a- a. . ."

Alberto nodded, stiffening at the horrific day dreams coming to life. The ones in which Ercole finds out Luca's a sea creature and stabs him through the chest with a harpoon. Apparently, the same things were running through Giulia's mind.

"I can't believe this!" Giulia screamed into the wilderness. "Being stuck with Ercole is one thing, but Ercole will literally kill him if- if what? If Luca gets wet?"

Alberto nodded again as he felt his eyes well up with tears.

"Santo Pecorino," Giulia quavered. "What if Ercole finds out? What will happen to Luca?"

"Look," Alberto began, ready to lay out the details of his plan. "We need to-"

"What will happen to you, Alberto?" Giulia said. "My father hunts seamonsters! You need to tell him before you-"

"What?" Alberto blurted. "No way! Never! I- Giulia I like Massimo. If you tell him, I'll never have another chance to- to. . ."

Giulia violently shook her head. "Alberto, you can't do this. I know you like my dad, and see him as your own. Which is good because you're like a brother to me."

Alberto nodded. "Exactly! See why I can't tell him now?"

Giulia put out a hand to stop him. "No, I don't. That's the problem. I can't watch my dad try to kill someone I see as a brother. You need to explain to him."

Alberto began to feel another fit of rage take over him. How could Giulia say this? He tells her his deepest secret, and she wants him to tell Massimo? The only person in the world Alberto can look up to?

"Ugh, this isn't important!" Alberto screamed out. "What's important right now is Luca. He's our first priority."

Giulia sighed in defeat. "Fine. We'll go get lunch and find Ercole's house. Come on."

As the two walked away in tension and anger, Alberto put his fingers up near his ear and brushed the delicate yellow petals of the flower tucked behind it.

He only hoped they'd get to Luca soon enough to see him alive. 

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