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I moved my pawn on the chessboard in front of me, watching Milo try to figure out what to do as if he were about to defuse a bomb.

"Milo. You're going to give yourself grey hairs from stressing this hard."

He let out a sigh and leaned back in his chair, "I don't fucking get this shit."

A small laugh escaped my lips. I pressed my palms against the table and pushed myself up, "We'll play another time then. My laundry should be done now, anyway."

He nodded, a look of relief flashing across his face.

I smiled to myself as I made my way to the laundry room. I opened the dryer, pulled all of my and Kingston's clothes out, and put them into the laundry basket. I had nothing better to do - so I figured I might as well do something productive. 

The smell of the laundry detergent radiated off of them as I carried the basket upstairs.

I glanced at the clock as I set the basket down. It was 5:30 pm now, so I was expecting Kingston to come back all bloody at any moment.

I folded the clothes while humming to myself, putting them into drawers, and hanging the rest up in the closet. Once I was done, I put the laundry basket back where it was, and collapsed onto the bed.

My stomach was starting to make noises, and I found myself wanting to call Kingston and ask when he was going to be home. I didn't want to make my own food and eat without him after he said he was going to cook for us to eat together.

I redid my ponytail, tying it with my black elastic. The doorbell rang downstairs, but I just walked over to the vanity and left Milo to answer it.

I started to do my makeup out of boredom, swiping clear lipgloss across my lips. I rubbed them together and pursed them when knocking came from the bedroom door behind me.

I smiled to myself, hoping that Kingston was going to tell me that the food would be ready soon.

The door opened, and my eyebrows lowered seeing that it was Milo. But the confusion on my face grew even bigger seeing that he was holding a box of pizza.

He held it up, "Did you order this?"

"No," I shook my head. "I'm waiting for Kingston to come back before I eat. He isn't home yet?"

"No, he isn't. But I'm sure he'll be here soon. Maybe one of the other guys ordered it, I'll put it in the fridge downstairs," he told me.

I nodded my head as he shut the door, and I heard his footsteps walk down the hallway. I sat there, turning to look at myself in the mirror while confusion still coated my face. 

I found it strange that Kingston wasn't back home yet. But the night that we went to the bridge, he didn't even come back until 1 am. Maybe he ordered it because he knew he wasn't going to be able to come home.

I picked my phone up off the vanity and pressed it against my ear.

I listened to the sound of it ringing, hoping that Kingston would pick up and tell me if he was going to be back home soon or not. But he didn't pick up.

I let out a sigh, tossing my phone onto the bed. I grabbed the TV remote, flipping through the movie section to try and find something to watch to pass the time.

But I froze when I saw The Breakfast Club, memories of when I watched it with Kingston rushing into my mind.

"I need to start keeping pepper spray in my room to spray it at you whenever you come through my window," I sighed, watching him pull his jacket off and toss it onto the chair at my desk.

Sociopath (Ash Trilogy #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now