Sanemi X Kanae: Party Through The Night (Part 1?)

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Twilight paints the concrete sidewalk as Sanemi steps out of his car and onto the front lawn of Uzui Tengen's luxurious mansion. His phone beeps in the pocket of his dress suit─a message from Iguro telling him to hurry up which he responds by saying that he was already there. Iguro doesn't reply, and Sanemi assumes that was too busy fucking Mitsuri to pay him any attention. He sighs and puts on a scowl before stepping in through the front doors.

Inside, the party is in full swing and Sanemi cringes when he sees a girl with white hair and green tips lighting a cigar. It takes him a second to remember her name─Daki─he finally recalls and winces distastefully when he sees her moving on to flirt with a guy who lowkey looked like Michael Jackson.

The party is like any party that Uzui has ever hosted, loud and nauseating. Sanemi only lasts a few minutes in the crowd and ends up standing uncomfortably in the far corner. He tries looking for any familiar faces, but none are found.

Everywhere around him, Sanemi sees people drinking, gossiping and seducing─or doing all three at the same time. It disgusts him and if it weren't for Uzui's sake, he wouldn't have bothered to come at all.

He's far from being a drinker, but he takes a glass of champagne from a passing waiter anyways. Anything to get him through this night is welcomed, especially when each minute that passes seemed like an hour.

Cussing to himself, he decides to find a different corner to hide in and eventually resorts to slipping out into the back garden.

The cool night air ruffles his hair as the loud music grows fainter and then disappears altogether. The garden itself is empty and silent, except for the chorus of crickets in the background. He looks up at the already inky-black sky and lets out a quiet sigh of relief, glad to be away from the chaos of a party he had just escaped from.

He finds a decent-looking stone bench that faces an obnoxiously large fountain and sits down with yet another sigh. His eyes trail the carefully pruned rose bushes around him and then to a gold plated statue that screamed wealth just like every other aspect of Uzui's mansion. It seemed to him that the only thing that isn't artificially perfect are the cherry blossom trees that line a small winding gravel path leading off somewhere into the vast garden.

"Are you hiding as well?"

Sanemi is momentarily startled, not expecting for a voice to come out of nowhere. He turns to see a young woman hiding behind one of the cherry blossom trees that he was just looking at. She conceals her face with the trunk of the tree, only revealing a pair of bright amethyst eyes framed by contrasting dark lashes that were focused intently on him.

"I wouldn't exactly call it hiding," Sanemi finally answers rather gruffly, as if trying to hide his awkwardness.

She smiles at him, though he could only tell because the corners of her eyes crinkled.

"Why are you out here?" He asks curiously.

A short laugh escaped her, as if the question he had asked was anything close to being remotely funny. Her head tilts slightly, but she still refuses to show him anything other than a glimpse of her dark hair.

"I'm here because I didn't want to be at the party." She replied.

For a moment, he thinks that her voice sounds like a gentle summer breeze, alluring and soft as it glides across her words.

"Can't blame you, it's too stuffy in there."

She nods her head in agreement and the conversation ceases for some time.

"So...who exactly are you?" Sanemi finally decides to ask.

She blinks back at him, as if he just asked her to do something absurd.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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