Zenitsu X Nezuko: Fireflies and Dandelions

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Zenitsu POV:

"NEZZZUUKKOOO-CHHAANNNN!!"  I felt my heart explode in joy, Nezuko-chan actually likes me.   I jumped up to hug her.  I felt her hug me back and ruffle my hair.  

Few Hours Later.....

The sun was setting, It was a beautiful sight.  I walked out of the gate of the Butterfly Mansion, letting my feet take me where ever they wanted to go.  It was getting dark, and the crickets started to chirp. I was about to head back when I came across a beautiful meadow, there were fireflies everywhere and dandelions growing in the midst of the sea of grass.  

I walked forward, admiring the breathtaking sight.  I felt a warm hand clasp mine.  I turned around to look, it was Nezuko-chan.

"Nezuko-chan?" I questioned.

She smiled sweetly, and I realized that she wasn't wearing her bamboo muzzle. 

"I see that you have found my favorite place!" she exclaimed.

"This is your favorite place?" I replied, surprised to hear her speak.  Her voice was soft and melodious, it was like music to my ears.

"Mhm" She replied while bending down to pick a dandelion.  She proceeded to blow it, but I put my hand on hers to stop her.

"Nezuko-chan, you should make a wish before you blow a dandelion."

"Oh, really?"

I nodded, and she bent down to pick another dandelion. 

"Zenitsu-kun, make a wish with me!"  Nezuko sang happily as she handed me the dandelion.  I smiled at her.  But before we could blow our dandelions, a firefly landed on Nezuko-chan's nose.  

"Hello there" she giggled while looking down at the glowing bug. 

The bug flew off her nose and decided to go to me.  

"Ahhhh!!" I shouted unintentionally as I swiped my hands in my face, hoping to get rid of the firefly, dropping the dandelion in the process.

Nezuko-chan giggled and I looked down at my feet in embarrassment.  She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the center of the field and plopped down on the grass and patted the space by her side, beckoning me to sit next to her.  

I sat down and Nezuko-chan laid her head on my shoulder.  

"Hey, where did my dandelion go?"  She asked me.

"I don't know, but I think I dropped mine too!"  I replied. 

"Oh well, guess we'll have to pick another one."  She said and I reached for the two closest dandelions to us.  

"Here," I said as I handed over one of the dandelions. "Remember to make a wish first!"

Nezuko-chan close her eyes and held the dandelion close to her face.  After a few seconds, she gently blew on the fuzzy flower, and I watched the tufts of fuzziness float down towards the ground.

 "Your turn!" She told me excitedly.


I shut my eyes closed and wished that Nezuko-chan can forever me by little dandelion.

I smiled at the thought and opened my eyes.  Taking a deep breath, I blew on the dandelion and watched once again the little tufts of fuzziness waltz through the air.

"What did you wish for?" Nezuko-chan asked curiously 

"Humph," I crossed my arms over my chest. "I will tell you my wish if only you tell me yours!"


"Well, I wished that you will always be my little firefly." She said as her face turned into a pink mess.

My eyes widened.  "Nezuko-chan, do you know what I wished for?"

Nezuko-chan shook her head.

"I wished that you would be my little dandelion forever." 


I bit the inside of my mouth, feeling the color rising in my face.

"You know people say that if you tell other people your wishes, they don't come true.  But I want to tell you that I will always be your firefly." I said, breaking the silence.  

Nezuko-chan smiled: "And I will always be your dandelion, Zenitsu-kun!" She said cheerfully and immediately threw her arms around my neck, bringing me into a warm hug.

After that, we sat down on the grass and Nezuko-chan rested her head on my shoulder and we watched the stars and the moon slowly rise in the sky.  

"You know, sometimes in the night, I hear beautiful music while I'm asleep.  It sounds like a flute, and it feels like the origin of the music is right outside my window, as if it is meant for me."

"It is meant for you."

"Huh?  How do you know?"

I took out the same wooden flute I use on those nights where I sit on the roof right about Nezuko-chan's room and started to play a simple melodic tune.  

Nezuko-chan said: "Wow, so it was you all along?"

I gave a small nod, not breaking the music. 

As the song ended, I said:  "I was always self-conscious about playing and I never learned, I just play by instinct."

"Oh, but I think it's wonderful."

I smiled at her and said: "Thanks."

I resumed to play a sweet and sad tune, kind of like a lullaby and Nezuko-chan started to make a flower crown.  But she soon fell asleep on my shoulder with the half finished flower crown in her hand.  

I kissed her forehead and whispered: "Sweet dreams my little dandelion."

I think this is the best chapter yet!! What do you guys think?  Personally, Zenitsu X Nezuko is one of my absolute favorite ships!!

Word count: 755

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