Giyuu X Shinobu: An Act Of Love

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Shinobu POV:

A cool night breeze was blowing and I was sitting on the roof of the Butterfly Mansion, stargazing.  I shivered, instantly regretted not bringing a haori.  Just as this crossed my mind, I felt something warm drape across my shoulders.  Looking up, I stared into Tomioka-san's icy blue eyes.  

"You'll catch a cold like that."

"Ara~ara, Tomioka-san, I never knew that you could care about someone!" I teased him as I pulled his haori closer to me.

As always, he made no reply at all as he sat down beside me.

"Tomioka-san?" I said as I poked his arm. "How many stars do you think are in the sky?

"Tomioka-san, I'm talking to you!" I said as I poked him several times on the arm.  However, that did no use. So I poked him on the cheek.  

"Tomioka-san!" that did the job and he looked at me.


"How many stars are in the sky?"

No reply.

I sighed and gave up.

"Countless...." He said


He shook his head in disappointment.

A gust of wind blew and even with Tomioka-san's haori around me, it was still quite cold.  I shivered, suddenly, Tomioka-san put an arm around me and pulled me closer to him.  I gave him a questioning look, luckily it was dark, or else I would've died of embarrassment.

"I'm cold" he said "You stole my haori, I need some warmth."

"Shameless...." I mumbled under my breath, but I enjoyed it and rested my head on his shoulder anyway.



"Why do you like to tease me so much?"

"To get you to smile, you look better when you smile." My face just might be on fire at this point.

"Really? I thought you hated me."

"I never hated you, I-"  I was suddenly lost for words.

"You what?"  He said in a hoarse voice.

I looked away.

"The moon's quite beautiful tonight, isn't it?" he whispered

"W-What?"  I stammered, not believing my own ears.

"I lo-"

He didn't get to finish because I wrapped my arms around him and embraced him tightly.  I could've stayed there for eternity, in his arms and feeling loved.

"I love you too, dummy"  I whispered into his shoulder.

He rested his hand on my head.

"Thank you, Shinobu "

We broke apart and his lips parted into a soft genuine smile.  He gently kissed my forehead and his lips ran down my nose and touched my lips.  It was a gentle and passionate kiss, and I enjoyed every second of it.

Oof, only 363 words......plz don't hate me.

What should the next chapter be?  Tanjiro boi or Zenitsu boi and their female counterparts? COMMENT

Edit: @Veyrum, thank you again for helping me.  The next chapter is going to be about the kamabako squad!!  We are now at 468 words :D

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