Sanemi X Kanae: Shutting Me Up

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Chapter requested by CrystalBlossom1128 (btw, she is my sister and she begged me to write this)

Kanae POV:


"I don't want to drink this f*cking medicine!"

I face palmed, every time he comes to the butterfly estate, we go through the same process. 

"Shinazugawa-san," I say as I open the door to his room and smile sweetly, "how many times do we have to go through this, the medicine helps your recovery and do not curse in front of young children."  I gestured at Naho, who was currently cleaning up broken pieces of a cup."

Sanemi pouted and rolled his eyes.  Somehow I thought it was cute, I mentally slapped myself. 

Sumi then came with a new cup of medicine, knowing that the first cup is going to be wasted.

"Now, please drink this."  I say to Shinazugawa-san, holding out the medicine.

"Ok, Kocho-chan" He says obediently.  It works every time I tell him, very odd.  But as he takes the cup from my hand, his finger tips brushing my skin.  There was a tingling sensation on the place he touched, and Immediately look away, feeling my face heat up.  My heart pounds in my ears as I rub the place that he touched.

I told the girls to leave and they obliged, leaving me with Shinazugawa-san.  I sit down on his bed and started to lecture him about the importance of medicine.  Like always, he rolls his eyes and doses off.

I stop talking once I assumed he was asleep.  

"You know Shinazugawa-san, my heart hurts whenever I see you wounded.  I really don't know why, but can't you take care of yourself?"  I ask him, but I knew that he couldn't hear.

Little did I know, Shinazugawa-san was not asleep.

A Week Later.........

I stared at the setting sun in the front yard of the estate, the gates creaked and a weak voice called out: "Kocho-chan......"  

My head wiped around, Shinazugawa-san was kneeling on the ground, holding onto the bars of the gate for support. 

"Shinazugawa-san!  What the heck happened to you?" I ask worriedly as I hurry over.  I open the gate and kneel down besides him, doing the basic check up.

"Sorry for not fulfilling your wish." He forces out with clear difficulty, before passing out.

I was very confused, but now was not the time to think about that.

Time Skip (cause I'm lazy)

I laid in bed, trying to sort out my feelings. 

I personally like to consider myself as an expert of love, but I didn't understand what falling in love felt like.  They say that you blush a lot and your heart beats faster, but that is exactly what I feel like around Shinazugawa-san.  Yeah, sure he is hot, but there is something deep within that attracts me to him, it is alluring, as if it was ready to gobble up my mind and sole. 

I, Kanae Kocho, am in love with Sanemi Shinazugawa. 

I am positive about it.

A Day Later..........

Sanemi's POV:

A canary sings
A cradle song
Sleep, sleep,
Sleep, child!

Above the cradle,
The loquat fruits sway
Sleep, sleep,
Sleep, child...............

It was Kanae singing, and it was beautiful.  Her voice was like buttercream, smooth and soft and with it's own melody.  It completely took over my mind, putting me into some kind of trance.

I felt something warm grasped my hand, it was comforting, but I wanted more.  My eyelids fluttered open and the light poured into my eyes and it took me a second to adjust.  

Kanae was sitting on my bed and looking out the open window while she gently sang the lyrics.  I stared at her, her features where even more beautiful up close.  I unintentionally squeezed her hand, this made her look at me.  

"You're awake!" She exclaimed, her face became a red hue once she realized she was still grasping my hand.  She attempted to retract her hand, only to be stopped by me, I didn't want the good sensation to go away.  She blushed even harder, and I personally thought is was quite cute.

"Kanae, don't go."

"Why did you call me by my first name?" She asked, a pink tint still on her cheeks.

I shrugged, not knowing why either.

She started to lecture me again, this time about how to treat girls, and honestly, it was quite annoying.

I sat up, and rubbed my eyes groggily.  

"Kanae, stop."

She continued to talk.

"Kanae."  I say, tapping her shoulder.

She glanced at me.  "Let me finish."


I tilted my head and planted my lips on her's.  It lasted about a fraction of a second because I pulled away.

She looked at me in shock, eyes as round as balls.  I stared at the flowers on the table next to the bed, not meeting her eyes.

"That's going to be my way of shutting you up,"  I mumbled, regretting kissing her. "I'm sorr-"  But before I could finish my sentence she leaned in and wrapped her arms around my neck and planted a small kiss on my lips.  

Third Person POV:

"If you say it, I will say it back"  was the same thing that went through both of their minds, but after a few seconds.........

"I love you" was said in unison. 

Idk if that was good enough, I only wrote this chapter bc my sister begged me to.  I feel like this was not a super good one, I will try to make it up to you guys in the next chapter.  

We are soooooo close to 1K reads, thank you guys so much!!

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