Finding Betsy - Chapter 19

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It never ended. Though, somehow, this time it felt worse.

Betsy wasn't surprised when she found her face staring back at her from the front page of a newspaper. The paparazzi had a strange fascination with her and the relationship she had with one of Britain's wealthiest men. Or perhaps they just saw her as an easy target. Yet, she had been lulled into a false sense of security since moving in with Nick. She thought they had finally given up. Perhaps Nick's security had just managed to keep her sheltered from their attentions. She knew Nick had tightened procedures since her attack.

She should have know her luck was not that good. After all, they still seemed to catch her unawares, even with a constant body guard chaperoning her from place to place.

But how the hell had they figured out where she had her classes? And how had they taken a photo without her noticing them? She had kept the self defence classes quiet for nearly a year. Why now?

Nick would probably point his finger at her classmates. Yet, even though it would be easy to point the finger at them, Betsy couldn't agree.

Most of the class attendees has suffered something traumatic - were trying to rebuild their lives - they would not draw attention to her attendance as it would draw attention to them. Just like this picture has done. Betsy stared as the other woman on the paper, a growl escaping her lips. She didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve to have her privacy invaded. Betsy had at least chosen her path but the others in her class had not.

And what if this put her in danger?

Betsy closed her eyes and picked up her phone on auto pilot; calling Nick before the thought had even crystalised in her mind.

"Hi, beautiful." His deep voice rumbled through the speaker.

"Have you read the papers yet?" Betsy replied, too distracted to melt at his greeting.

"No, what is it?"

Faintly, she heard him shuffling through papers before he sucked in a sharp breath.

"I knew it would only be a matter of time but they pictured one of the women from my class."

"Talk to me." He replied. "What has you so worried?"

"Think about it, Nick." Betsy replied, her hands reaching up to tug on her curls. "If she's in my class, she's obviously gone through something. Something she could be hiding from. You should have seen her the first time we met, Nick. Someone had hurt her so badly and I'd hate for this to put her in danger. This is all my fault."

"You can't blame yourself for this. If I know you, you were just being a kind and generous person I know you are." Nick replied, his voice a soothing balm in her ear. "We'll keep her safe."

"I don't even have her number."

"It's not a lost cause. Speak to your therapist. While he won't be able to provide you with her contact information, they may be willing to pass on a message. If she contacts you, we will offer protection and, if required, PR assistance."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He replied, her eyes fluttering shut briefly in relief. "Hang up and make your calls. I'll get things started on my end."

"Thank you." Betsy whispered, running a hand tiredly down her face. Any energy she had felt when she woke that morning had ebbed away leaving her an exhausted mess. "I'll speak to you later."

As soon as she heard the click of the call ending, Betsy immediately began scrolling through her calls. She only hoped she wasn't too late.


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