Finding Betsy - Chapter 16

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Another day, another business meeting.

Leaning close to the mirror, Nick frowned at his reflection as he concentrated on knotting his tie. He could do it without looking. He had done it every working day since he was seventeen. Yet, the extra energy churning through his stomach had him repeating the knot over and over again looking for perfection. Usually, it was almost an unconscious move. Today it felt like a chore. He tugged on the end to ensure it was the perfect length.

Before he could reach behind him, Betsy was there. While she held out his suit jacket for him, he quickly slid his arms in with a smile. Yet, when he lifted his gaze and caught sight of her in the mirror, his smile froze.

Was he in heaven or hell? Surely hell because Betsy was temptation incarnate. Why did he have to go out today? Especially when she looked this good. 

Internally, he was cursing his business merger with Markos. After all, what man would prefer to sit in a board meeting with a bunch of businessmen and discuss numbers when their partner was standing before them in Lycra looking absolutely incredible.

Her wild curls had been secured back into a braid, errant curls springing out at odd places. Her face was fresh and make up free but the happy glow on her face was beautiful. Understated and completely at ease with herself. She smoothed her hands over the lapels, her breasts pressing into his back as she hugged herself to him. She peered around his arm, examining her work in the mirror before lifting her gaze. Their eyes met and caught.

He breathed in sharply, his hands lifting to rest over hers. The moment between them hung heavy in the air. Perhaps he could be late - just this once.

"As much as I would like to take you up on what you're about to suggest, you really don't have time." Betsy murmured, resting her cheek against his arm.

"I'm the boss, I always have time."

"I'd like to see you say that to the board."

Nick snorted. Markos wouldn't give a damn. The older man's comments before about enjoying life were stuck firmly in his mind. It would be a bit hypocritical for the man to penalise him for following his lead. While there were areas that the rest of the board were sticklers for tradition and could show antiquated beliefs, they were family focused just like Markos.

"Besides, I have class today."

"Is that what this is all for?" Nick asked, turning so that he could appreciate the real thing rather than the reflection. "I'm hurt. I thought this was all for me."

"Maybe next time." Betsy replied before releasing a slow breath. "Remember I'll be moving the last of my things out of the cottage this weekend."

Nick's lips pulled up into a wide smile. He would be lying if he said he wasn't excited about her finally giving up her cottage. There had always been a part of him that worried she would go home to the cottage one day and refuse to come back. It was like she permanently had one foot out of the door. He understood her reasons. Yet, now that she had finally agreed to move in, they were finally moving forward. It took them one step closer to where he wanted to be.

If he had had his own way, things would have happened sooner. She would already have been there permanently. The businessman in him wanted to plan their next steps and ensure they were executed in a timely fashion. Yet, as much as he liked to control and order his life, his beautiful and kind hearted pixie deserved his patience.

"I've booked the entire weekend off so you'll have my undivided attention. I decided to do what you asked me to do and delegated." Nick replied, reaching out to tuck one of her curls behind her ear, his fingers stroking down her cheek. "I've given Tina some addition responsibilities to see how she does."

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