I'm Ready

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Tenth chapter... Okay WOW.

I didn't expect that it would have more than five chapters at least. But I guess my gut doesn't agree with my mind.

I don't own TMNT, enjoy! :)

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*Two Months later*

I squirmed.

Why couldn't we get a new couch? I mean, this old one is getting uncomfortable. Even if my boyfriend was sitting beside me.

"Something wrong, love?" He asked. His nickname for me was 'love'. But sometimes it was 'koala' because I really love to hug him.

"No, nothing. It's just... Stupid couch."

Casey chuckled and wrapped both his arms around me. "Who's the koala now?" I muttered.

"Cuddle with me."

I blinked. "What?"

"Cuddle with me." I rolled my eyes at his immaturity.

As soon as we got comfortable in our position, he kissed my cheek. I raised my eyebrow. "And what was that for?"

"Promise me something." He bit his lip, "Promise you won't leave me?"

I giggled and Casey looked confused.

"What?" he asked.

"Casey, I promise I won't leave you," I kissed his forehead. "I promise I'll always be there for you," I kissed his left cheek. "I promise I'll always be there with you," I kissed his right cheek. "I promise I'll always protect you," I kissed the tip of his nose. "And, I promise I'll always love you." For the finale, I kissed him fully on the lips.

Casey smiled lightly, "Promise?"


"It'll be our always." He grinned, "like Isaac and Monica in 'The Fault in Our Stars'."

"Our always," I echoed.

He kissed my forehead. "Our always."

It was the last thing I heard before I drifted of to slumber.

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"Danni? Danni!" Someone was shouting in my ear. "Wake up, koala, you're hugging me too tight!"

I jerked up. A purple blanket was resting on top of Casey and I. My arms were wrapped tightly around his torso.

A felt a five fingered hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Casey smiling at me.

"Wha happen'd?" I mumbled.

"We were sleeping for three hours straight. You missed training."

"WHAT?!" My eyes widened, "But... but I-"

"And the guys already left for patrol." I punched Casey's shoulder.

"Ow! Stop hitting me," he whined. "It hurts!"

"That's what you said about the splinter you got on your finger. By the way, where's Master Splinter?"

My idiotic boyfriend smirked. "He took April out for her training."

"So that means..."

"We're all alone." I gulped. I knew how wild Casey could get, and since everyone was around, no one was would hear my screams of horror (*cough* pleasure *cough cough*).

He pinned me under him, while I protested, "Casey, the guys'll come back anytime!"

"Then let them watch." He muttered. "C'mon, Danni. We haven't had a decent make-out ever since we got out of that cell."

"What about the times you kissed me in my lab?" I pointed out.

"Not counted."

I groaned. Casey suddenly looked into my eyes.

"You'll be making that sound more often in the future." He said huskily, "On the bed."

I blushed profusely. "Casey!"

"What? I'm telling the truth!" He grinned. I sighed and pulled his shirt forward, so that his nose was touching my beak.

"You're such a tease," I murmured and kissed him passionately. He wasted no time in kissing me back.

I lifted Casey's shirt up, but he did not mind. Over the months he gained muscle which was kinda hot for me. He still had the scars from the beating in Shredder's lair.

He untied my mask, and it fell to the floor. I shifted my position until I was straddling his legs. And soon enough, my knee and elbow pads and wrappings were scattered across the floor, and I was wearing nothing.

Casey took in the look of my entire body before looking at me with all the love in his eyes. I smiled at him.

"I'm ready," I whispered, "Are you?"

He did not say anything, but I knew his answer was a yes.

I knew that this night was going to be special, above all of the nights that we spent together.

We were ready.

Donnie's Secret (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora