I'm Sorry...

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This chapter's gonna be messy. And a bit short I think.

I don't own TMNT.

Well... Enjoy?

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I paced back and forth in my lab.

Casey was kidnapped...

Your fault... your fault... your fault...

A voice echoed in my head. I shut my eyes and buried my head into my arms, sliding down to the floor and curling into a tight ball.

That voice was right, it was my fault Casey was kidnapped.

Sobs escaped my lips and I couldn't control them. A waterfall of tears cascaded down my cheeks.

Who would kidnap Casey, anyway? Why him? Why not-

"Knock knock, Danni." Someone said outside, and I panicked. Do my brothers know that I'm female? Did one of them follow me to April's?

I hesitated for a while and realized that it was April herself. I stood up shakily and stumbled to the door.

The redhead's friendly and concerned face looked up at me, but it soon turned into a worried one once she saw my puffy eyes and my dried tears.

"Danni, were you crying because of Casey?"

No, I was crying because I was trying to make retro-mutagen and it worked.

When I didn't answer, she sighed and went in. I didn't have to tell her to lock the door, she already did it. Good thing my lab was soundproof.

April sat me down on my office chair while she remained standing. She had her arms crossed and her foot was tapping on the floor. She was angry.

"You were blaming yourself, weren't you?"

How did she know?

"And you were wondering why they kidnapped Casey of all people, right?"

Okay, is this girl telepathic or something?

"And I know your wondering if I'm telepathic or not, and I'm not. I knew you were blaming yourself because of the tears, and I was wondering the same thing too. Why Casey?"

Oh. So she's not telepathic.

"I know the answer, Danni." I perked up. She knew why Casey was kidnapped?

"It's because someone was spying on us. Someone from the foot clan."

I looked down on my feet. Now I knew that Shredder wants him... But why?

"Think about it, Danni." April gave me one last look before exiting my lab and locking it later.

Why... why... why...

A white, hot lump of anger formed in my chest. I wanted to punch something, anything to release my anger on.

Okay, wow. I sounded like Raph.

I slumped in my seat in despair. I was desperate to get Casey back, I mean, how would you feel if someone you lov- I mean, like, was taken away from you by someone who was watching you.

My eyes widened. That's it.

April said that someone was spying on us, so he or she must have heard my confession for Casey. They were... using him. As bait. They want to lure someone in.

They want to lure me in.

Now I knew. The reason why Casey was kidnapped was because of me. That voice was right, it was my fault.

I cried again, knowing that I was the one causing distress to the family. Guilt surged through my body.

I sniffed and wiped my eyes. I was able to utter two words before passing out:

"I'm sorry..."

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Well, that was crappy.

Tell me if you liked the chapter! :)

Stay tuned!

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