Chapter 7: A New Addiction

Start from the beginning

Damon pressed the answer button and put the call on speaker.

“Hello boss. How’s your weekend?” Elvira started with a calm voice.

“What’s it?” He pressed. As if his time was being wasted.

“I want to tell you what happened to Ally on Wednesday.”

“What happened to her?”

“She just started bleeding, so I rushed her to the hospital. She’s lost a lot of blood and her condition is critical. It’s just worsening by the day.”

“If her condition is worsening, she would only get better in the hospital while receiving medical care. Not with me.”

“The doctor said he wants to see you.”

“Why would he call me?”

“I don’t know. Probably for an important discussion on her health issue or something. I’m in the doctor’s office right now and he said you should come.”

“What’s your business with that?” Mrs. Smith frowned at her son. “Hello? What does the doctor want my son for? Is my son her husband? She willingly left this house four months ago so we no longer have ties or responsibility towards Adelaide! If she’s bleeding to death, take her to the hospital for treatment and stop disturbing our peace! For goodness’ sake, it’s 12:00 a.m, and it’s risky to go out by this time! Do you want to kill my son for me or what? This is getting too much. I know of girls that survive pregnancy with no one and nobody died for them! So you think I’d allow my only child to go out this late? Who knows what you and your friend have planned since you’re both witches? Damon Smith isn’t going out or paying any visits, so please!”

Damon was tired of her complaints just ended the call.

“That Elvira girl and her friend are suspicious. Who knows their plan for you? Their charms might have worked in the past, but not anymore. You need to tell them that.” She pressed.

“Whatever, mum. He focused on the television. “A goaaal!”

Her son’s reaction frightened Mrs. Smith.

“I said it, my team will win!” He jerked off in excitement.

“Something is wrong with you, Damon. You know that, right? So broken are Adelaide’s spells now and football spell overpowered?”

“Say whatever, mum. My team won.”


Elvira paid her boss a visit, but he wasn’t home. She met his mum watching a programme on television while she walked into the mansion. Mrs Smith offered her a seat and asked one maid to serve Elvira, a bottle of chilled sparkling wine to drink.

“Mrs Julia Smith,” she started with a calm voice. “You are a caring mother. I realise how much you’ve endured and sacrificed to hold the name of your late husband and manage all your companies throughout the years. As it is, I’m working under you, so you’re also my boss. You know that whoever wants to discredit another man’s song wouldn’t mind how the song is sang.”
Elvira paused while the maid served her the drink. She smiled to her politely as a form of appreciation.

“I learn you got here not just by wishing it, hoping for it, but worked for it.” Elvira continued. "I also recognize that you’ve worked too hard to quit. That’s why you’re determined not to make your family and family business perish. Your efforts at strengthening our culture have not gone unnoticed, ma’am. I credit and admire you so much for this. But, like I said earlier, people out there are thinking otherwise about you.”

Julie frowned at Elvira’s words, unsure of her point.

“I know their thoughts about you are false. Many people believe you’re wicked, selfish and not welcoming. I try to correct them as much as possible because I’m close to you, in a way. That you’re my boss’s mother and my friend’s mother-in-law.”

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