𝟎𝟕𝟔; ᴛᴇᴍᴘᴇsᴛ & ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀᴄʜɪᴀᴠᴇʟʟɪᴀɴ

Start from the beginning

Louis as well.

There a figure stood in the shadows.

"Tempest, what brings you here?" Narcissus asked not even turning around.

"What is with him and calling people by nicknames?" Sirius questioned. "He never called a person by their actual name."

Now they all paused.

Narcissus never called anyone by their actual names for some reason.

"Why do you think I'm here?" 'Tempest' said, you could hear how pissed off they were.

"Because you missed me?" Narcissus had laughed before he yelping as a bolt of crackling lightning was shot at him from the shadows.

'Lightning bolt? Classic.' Ophelia had just laughed internally to herself.

"I'll take that has a no." Narcissus said.

"No, fucking shit, dye job."

"Whoever they are, they need to wash their mouth out with soap."

"Leave my amazing hair out of this!" Narcissus huffed childishly.

"Sirius, did you kidnap Narcissus and y him as a mini you?" Remus questioned.

As Sirius would always talk about his hair.

"I didn't!" Sirius exclaimed. "I think...?"

Suddenly a sliver coil wrapped around his ankles before getting pulled back harshly, causing Narcissus to fall on the ground.

Ophelia laughed internally yet again seeing the familiar silver coil being used on someone else.

"Ugh." Narcissus groaned. "Have I ever told you how much I hate that whip of yours, Tempest?"

'I hate it too.' Ophelia thought. 'Only sometimes.'

"Yes you have." 'Tempest' answered, as
the the whip's coil on Narcissus's ankles loosened and returned to 'Tempest'

"Germaphobe— SHIT—!" Narcissus had barely dodged another strike of lightning.

When Narcissus looked back towards the shadows 'Tempest' was gone.

"Didn't even tell me why they were here." Narcissus grumbled.

"Atleast I can finish in peace." Narcissus sighed as he got back up returning his attention to the alter.

Before he and slid to his knees.

"Like he does for Astrophel." Marlene said, which made shippers agree.

The stone was worn and smooth, it felt cold to his skin even through the cloth of his silken robe.

He cleared his throat lightly, before clasping his hands together infront of him, as he closed his eyes.

"Eternal Mother, my keeper and guardian, your humble servant calls to you. Sustain me with thy power so I may proclaim your praise. I request this of you in your most holy name, O' bringer of magic. Honor me with your sacred favor." He prayed.

"Eternal Mother? Another name for Mother Magic." Ravenclaws took notes to add to their theories.

The twins knew exactly what was happening.

His voice echoed off the stonewalls.

As a cold breeze had entered through the temples windows.

Narcissus had opened his eyes, to reveal them to be glowing— glowing exactly like the imperius cursebut much more powerful.

"Thank you, Mother." Narcissus bowed before leaving.

Ophiuchus whispered something into Amelie's ear making her get up from his lap, and sitting down by his side instead.

He looked at the twins.

"We will be having a long talk later." He said.

Making the twins freeze.

'Shit...' They couldn't help but think.

' They couldn't help but think

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