𝟎𝟏𝟔; ᴛʀᴜᴇ ғᴇᴀʀ

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THE SCREEN SHOWED the Slytherin common room the next day.

A sepulchral silence was the only thing that welcomed Ophiuchus once he entered the common room.

He noted with curiosity that none of the younger students was present, but what caught his attention the most was the dissension that seemed to be between older Slytherin students.

"Ouuuu drama!" Sirius giggled like a teenage girl.

Apparently, he had interrupted a heated discussion between a pair of students.

"Marcus, don't even dare." The older student threatened once he caught a glimpse of Ophiuchus.

"I do what I want, Rosewood!" The six year perfect student spat with disdain.

"Don't forget who is helping you get that stupid apprenticeship."

"He is not to be messed with!"

"You really don't want that apprenticeship, don't you?" The younger student asked, giving the seventh year prefect a
mocking smirk.

Rosewood only clenched his fists in frustration but bowed his head. It was obvious to everyone that he had lost the discussion.

However, Ophiuchus was not interested in any row that the other Slytherins could have, he was only interested in them blocking the only path out the common room.

He wanted to eat breakfast already.

Before he could continue thinking five older males, including the one that had won the row against the prefect, approached him.

"Get away from my son." Bellatrix seethed.

The way they were looking at him was enough for Ophiuchus groan in annoyance, he was far too familiar with those eyes.

"It is time we show you your place Lestrange." The winner of the
discussion barked.

"Above you?" Rodolphus smirked.

"Don't dare to think that because the others lick your boots that you have a right to be here. You are nothing but a orphan. It is
time I show you your place, at my feet."
The prefect hissed in order to appear threatening, but the only reaction he
got was a raised eyebrow.

"Bitch please, my nephew's shoes is worth more than your life." Rabastan sneered at the older boy.

Two of his minions grabbed Ophiuchus's arms and that was the straw that broke
the camel's back.

"Well their dead."

He had dealt with vermin with delusions of grandeur before, and it appeared he had to do it once more.

He could already feel his magic thrumming on his veins, ready to attack.

The other students observed with growing horror how the beating that the child was going to take turned into carnage.

The two guys that were supposed to hold Ophiuchus down began screaming, clutching their arms in a futile effort to ease the pain.

"Such power." Cygnus whispered.

The two of them collapsed a second later, panting in relief.

To the spectators' growing horror, a vivid crimson began tainting the white of the two student's uniforms.

The other three attackers paled and Ophiuchus simply shrugged, deciding to continue his path for breakfast. However, their leader stepped in the boy's way.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃; ʜᴘ (𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃)Where stories live. Discover now