3. Within The Group

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"Miss Aethelu, could I have just a little bit more of your wonder potions once more?"

"You basically took half," she pouted with her typical frown.

Hardly a few leaves. He really wondered if she would have noticed had he not said anything.

"Where are you going, anyways?"

"He kept it safe, like you wanted," said Carson. "Wouldn't it be fair if he'd just have a little more?"

"Fine. But I'm coming with you."

Firmin shrugged. "You're more than welcome to."

Aethelu sighed. "I'll be back in a second, my love."

"Where are you going?" Tris asked.

"Just a little upstream," said Firmin. "Not far, just back to the water hole. Can't believe I forgot to fill my own flask."

Tris nodded slowly, keeping his eyes on them as they departed.

"You and Sir Tris really have a good thing going, don't you?" It had only been a few weeks since Tris had come to town and already Firmin expected the for the bells to toll any day after their return.

She groaned. "Ugh, just do what you came to do, Firmin."

Never attempt a pleasant conversation with Miss Aethelu. It didn't seem to matter if one treated her nice or not, except she would always find a way to come back nastier if you intentionally annoyed her. She was pretty, he supposed, overall being a small woman. Bright blonde hair and dark eyes. She always wore colorful, typically red or dark green, clothing, and powdered her cheeks and colored her lips.

Firmin knelt by the edge of the lake. The moon reflected in the still water. Firmin poured some of the potion into the water where it shone silver. He watched it ripple and sparkle.

"What are you doing?" Aethelu tore the vial from his hand.

No matter. It had been done. Firmin slipped his hands into the cool water and brought them cupped and filled to his mouth.

It tasted normal, perhaps with a bit more sweetness than usual, and when he swallowed it, the liquid slithered down his throat.

After he had drunk the moon touched water, as she had said, he stood up.

Aethelu was smirking. "What was that?"

"Thought it might help." Everything she had done so far had. They must be mistaken about her.

"Now what gave you that notion?"

"Just a bright idea, I guess." He still felt he shouldn't tell anyone that he had seen her. The shadow. What difference could it make, anyways? All he could imagine would happen was Gutherd think him all the more incapable, and a whole lot more chaos would ensue too. And fear. But really, nothing good.

"Well, you done? Let's go back."

Firmin nodded. "All finished. Thank you for accompanying me, fair lady."

She huffed and spun on her heel. Marched back towards camp but slowed her pace and kept close to Firmin. Somehow, he still believed she trusted him—enough to throw him—not Tris—the bag of herbs. Someday, he promised, he would bring that up.

For now, he kept his eyes sharp, though he was near to certain the white shadow would not show up. He still couldn't believe that the same innocent and kind woman that had aided him had murdered those bandits. She had just seemed so afraid, so desperate to trust Firmin. So fragile.

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