Chapter 60(the end)

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It has been a week since the war ended. Amon had been kept in jail heavily guarded and tortured and was executed for the whole wolf kingdom to see and the people celebrated his death.

Today is the day that Damon was going to be crowned king and I was so happy for him. Aria also got a position in the kingdom she was after all the princess but she wanted to stay by Chase side as he was now made Alpha of Damon's former pack with Aria his Luna. They were also going to do a ceremony where I'll be crowned wolf queen and I was really excited that all our troubles are finally over and we can now have a semblance of peace and freedom.

"Ready to be crowned queen mi reina?" Damon asked sneaking up behind me causing me to shake a little.

"I'm a little bit scared but I'm ready." I answered smiling.

"You've got this. There's nothing we can't conquer together." He stated leaning in for a kiss and I smiled as his lips met mine.

We heard someone clearing their throat and turned to look as we saw Damon's royal assistant.

"It is now time for the ceremony your majesties." He said bowing and I still find it funny our quickly things changed, it was like we were transported into another world entirely in just a few days.

I had to start learning a lot about the royal kingdom, how to act ,dress and speak like royalty and so many other things. There were a lot of oppressive laws that Amon had in place that we have been putting to ma end and also the struggle to restore balance because there were also some alphas that were just like Amon and Damon had to exercise his authority over them. Soon he will be having a meeting with all the alphas on the new changes that were going to be put in place and the meeting was going to end with a grand ball. Everything felt like something out of a storybook.

"We'll be there shortly." Damon replied and he bowed before leaving.

"We are going to come back to this but in the meantime we have a ceremony to attend." Damon said taking my hands and I smiled as we made our way to the royal chambers.

Everyone of us was present and so were the elders and other powerful people in the kingdom.

" Today the true alpha king returns." The priest in charge of the ceremony stated and there was a lot of cheers. "We celebrate the return of our king and his mate our queen, by the power vested in me I hereby proclaim Axel Alamander our king and Lianna Redwoods our queen."

The cheer continued with series of chants that shouted " long live the king." I felt so happy and so fulfilled. This is it, this is the life I was created to live not the one of hardship, worries and constantly being on the run and I will make sure that no one has to go through all of that.

Together we are going to build a great kingdom with great people. We had changed the tides and retold the story. Although bad things could still happen because this is life and nothing ever happens smoothly we were ready to face it head on. He is my king and I'm his queen and we have amazing friends and family on our side now.

After the ceremony, the seven of us at down together to just talk about how life has been and did I mention that Jonathan found his mate already? She was the granddaughter of one of the elders and he was making things difficult for Jonathan because he didn't want him anywhere near his property.!

"Can you believe I went to go see Dahlia last night and her grandfather chased me out with a sword, a sword!" He exclaimed and we all laughed.

Her grandfather was the one raising her after the death of her mother who had ran off with her mate only for a child to be dropped at his door step a few months later with a letter that informed him of his daughter's death and since then he has been against dahlia finding and being with her mate but he'll come around I'm sure Jonathan will convince him.

"So Aria and I have an announcement to make." Chase started as they both looked at each other with tenderness before looking at us.

"I'm pregnant." She announced and everybody cheered telling them congratulatory messages. I was so excited, our children were going to grow up together, I really can't wait for that day.

"That's how you didn't tell me that you were pregnant and I had to find out through the witches." Loranda said nudging my elbow and I gave a sympathetic smile .

"I'm sorry, I didn't know how you would react to it and I wasn't entirely sure." I said and she smiled.

"No problem. I'm just glad we get to do this pregnancy thing together." She said and I smiled widely.

"Me too. We are all pregnant at the same time isn't it cute." I said smiling hugging Aria.

"I think I should get Dahlia pregnant too, she can't be the only one missing out on this." Jonathan stated and we all laughed.

"Wait till her grandfather uses the sword to cut off your head." Chase joked and we all laughed causing Jonathan to give him a playful glare.

I felt bad for Sam and Loranda that they didn't have any partners to share their lives with yet but I know that they could find someone soon. Speaking of Loranda and Sam their relationship seem to have gotten better and he was always looking and asking after her and her child's well-being.

I was happy that we all got to be together despite all that has happened and we were starting a new life. I was happy for everyone of us, we were now going to live a life free of worry or wondering if it was going to be our last breath. I was done running now, I was free, free to do as I please and even though the actual prophecy had nothing to do with me but something to do with Damon it just goes to show how our fate was intertwined.

I was done running. The prophecy has been fulfilled. I am his queen and he's my king. The true alpha king.

Thanks for reading,
Finally glad this book is over.
This is the last chapter 💃💃
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