Madly passionate (part 24)

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Zoe went to college. She had lots of work so she had planned to stay late in the library. She had message the same to Mr zheen. When zheen had seen the message he was a bit upset. Because he now disliked eating alone, late night sitting with Zoe in the balcony was his best past time, especially he love whatever she cooked and not to forget he liked to hear her talks whether boring or out of the box.

So zheen thought let's try waiting. And let's see how it feels to wait for a stupid girl. Goooosshh.

Zoe was writing her stuff. She was alone in the library. At that time a group of boys rushed into the library. They were quite noisy. They seemed to came just like disturbing others. Zoe heard but ignored as everybody was allowed.

Then she saw they just sat in front of her and started gossiping about zheen and her. Out of surprised, she looked up and saw that they were the boys from a group called" jazz boys".one of the nuisance creating group in the class.

Initially they were gossiping, later they started conversatng with her directly. They were using bad and mellifluous words for her and zheen.

She ignored and remained silent. But then they became furious and started pushing her. Touching her and forcing her to answer. As it became unbearable, she shouted stop talking nonsense. Don't drag Mr zheen in. I respect him. But they were not letting her go.

They continued to misbehave and harass her. One of them had hold her hand and not letting her go. She pushed him and slapped one. They were about to dragged her but then librarian entered the library and shouted, " What's going on ".

They leaved her and warned her that she had to pay for this and left the library. Librarian asked her, she replied that we were discussing something and out of that we started arguing. We all were classmate. She left library and rushed towards home. She was hurted and continuously crying on the way.

When she reached home zheen was already waiting and reading a book. She ran towards her room and shut the door with a noise. Zheen was worried about her behavior. He thought that she must feel better in her own space. Let's wait and then talked.

Madly passionate Where stories live. Discover now