Madly passionate ( part 17)

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Today zheen was really relaxed, all his anxiety had been supressed. He was actually feeling good.

They both took their comfortable corners, have a cup of coffee and zheen continued,
"Doha was the one who was most affected by his mother's decision. His nanny, Mrs mei had helped him lot to overcome from it.

Mrs mei always took Doha in the library at the evening walk. She always told him, look child you have such a big library. There were lots of emotions here in form of book. I only can see them but can't feel or read it. Doha you were lucky, allow this emotions to touched your life.

When you are sad read comics, when you are happy read good books, when you are hurted read books on friendship, bonding love. If you lack energy and bored read thrillers, horror stories. Son, book have hidden healing in them, be with them they will never disappointe you or ditch you even at your worst. Understand.

That day Doha learned a important lesson in life and he will be thankful to Mrs mei for that.

But initially he couldn't control his arrogance and anxiety. He became loud, misbehave. His father had never understand him. He thought Doha had became a spoil kid, he fired Mrs mei blamming for the same and sent Doha to boarding school for further studies.

His father had snatched his only hope. He left home with lots of complains in his heart.

Zheen took a deep breathe, Zoe interrupted and asked what happened later on. He said,

"Doha was a different child in the school. He share his bench with a girl named Bella. They both were north and South Pole of the earth. Bella was talkative, smart, mischievous but not so good in studies. And Doha was just opposite. They make a good pair. Doha whenever was in trouble, Bella had rescued her, from bulling, beating, scolding, cheating, punishing and much more. Doha began to treat Bella as a friend. "

Zheen was to continued, a sound came from his stomach saying he is hungry,

Zoe said she was very sorry to put him to starved. She rushed to the kitchen and grabbed some cake slices she had bought along with coffee.

Zheen said that this cake was Bella to me, thankyou, both laughed and stated towards the sea.

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