Madly passionate ( part 16)

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In the evening when zheen reached home, Zoe was waiting at the dinning table. Both have sandwich and coffee.

Zoe asked how was he feeling, zheen smiled. Zoe said today's plan was we will clean your room, and then have session later on. Zoe was not in a mood to listen any thing. Zoe had not left any options opened but to listen what she was telling.

Both cleaned the room. It get completed fast. Now Zoe said Mr zheen if you don't have any problem, let's continue it in my balcony.

They both headed towards balcony. Zheen wants to refuse her every time she insisted, but something was stopping him. His inner zest always told him she was asking for this much not more so no problem let's do it.

Zoe said to zheen,
"Mr zheen do you have any idea that your house also have such a beautiful place. Where we can actually breathe life. And do you have any idea that how stupid you were. Because instead of staying there you have actually given that space to someone. Strange. If I were you I had never ever done this. "

Both were standing and staring towards the sea. Zheen replied that he had never noticed it out. He was staying in this house for last 5 years. It surprised him that he didn't knew about his own house. Zheen said that the sea looks beautiful under the twilight of the moon. It was full of hopes and inner peace.

Zoe replied it's true because it's the perspective towards life that's is most important.

Zoe looking at him said shall we start.

For a moment they were lost into each other.

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