
"Shizuo!" A girl exclaimed, dressed cozy in an oversized yellow hoodie with strange little dog ears sewn on. A much quieter girl dressed in a similar hoodie toned green with cat ears stood beside her, she gave a quiet nudge of her head in hello.

It was Mairu and Kururi.

Shizu-chan was quick to trample over to them, sheer determination dripping off his face. After being dragged halfway across the city, I decided it better to follow him instead of trying to pull away.

Being dragged across Ikebukruo by your neck and shoulders wasn't exactly something I'd prefer to experience again.

"Shizuo! Hey, it's been a while! Are you finally going to let us meet Yuuhei!?" Mairu was quick to get in Shizu-chan's face, excitedly tipping her head to the side as Kururi shadowed behind her.

After Shizu-chan's wild chase through Ikebukuro, to ironically, find the remaining two Orihara's, we'd ended up in part of the city just outside its main popularity. I could only figure the two must've been heading home and decided to turn down a less busy street.

Shizuo's hand rubbed at the back of his skull awkwardly as he was berated with questions, his chest still heaving as he caught his breath. The protozoan had such a feverous determination right up until the two spoke and now it looked like he had absolutely no clue what to say.

With a quick glance at the twins, I could tell not much had changed- If nothing at all. They still acted in their designated opposites in characteristics, Mairu, of course, flamboyant and excitable while Kururi kept more reserved in the conversation. Of course, they were both still intrigued, with the topic being Kasuka and all.

Shizu-chan ungracefully warded off Mairu, avoiding any sort of promise of bombarding his brother with meeting his fans. He was quick to defend his brother and decline the other's determined admiration for Kasuka. The conversation was quickly going nowhere and was frankly quite...underwhelming.

There was nothing new, nothing different about the scene. It was just Mairu and Kururi, the same as always.

My hands seeped deep into the comfort of my jacket's pockets.

"Would you just-" The beast snarled, frustration evident on his tongue. I caught the glance he flickered back towards me before he let out a huff, shoulders crumpling inwards as he ruffled his bleached hair.

His voice came out quiet, barely heard over Mairu's determination, "How are you guys?" The air settled for a tense moment, Shizuo's hands twitching with what I could tell was the absent desire to reach for a cigarette.

Mairu tilted her head to the other side, braid sliding off her shoulder as she did. "We're doing good! Bit of a random question though," Kururi came up from behind Mairu, the two looking with big curious eyes at Shizuo's strangely sincere, but unexpected question.

I leaned back on my heels, mouth stretched thin as I watched the three.

I hated this. There was no point in being here, and the scene itself was quite boring. Mairu and Kururi were the same as always, there was no exciting principle to watch play out.

They were the same.

My gaze flickered away from the three for a moment, glancing around the streets to find some sort of distraction-

Entertainment. Some sort of more interesting entertainment...

Huffing out his tension, Shizu-chan's eyes flickered over to me again before he settled on something to say. "Shouldn't you guys be angry at me? Or..." His wrists flitted with the struggle of explanation.

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