Leslie. Keith

535 24 17

I loved writing this chapter so much. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Anna's POV

"There's no trace of Amunet?" Barry asks Officer Korber.

"It's like she vanished." The officer responds.

"She tends to do that." I mutter.

"Were there any rumblings that she was back in town?" Barry inquires.

"None, but Captain West has all officers searching on high alert." Officer Korber tells us. Barry is frustrated, and I know it's because he was unable to do something about Amutnet without risking it all.


"I just let her get away. I..." He rakes his fingers through his hair, frustrated. "I should have done something.

"Well, if she's back, after all, this time, it has to be for something big." I tell him. "And it's directly linked to the device she stole."

"I know." Barry is visibility upset.

"We're going to get her. Don't worry." I tell him.

"I just stood there and let her walk out."

"This is not your fault." I try to console him. "We knew her knowing our secret identities was going to be a pain in the ass."

"All right, well, time to fight her the old-fashioned way." Barry moves his ring around. "I'm gonna run some sweeps of the city."

"Uh she said no onesies." I remind him, and he looks so hurt.

"Please don't call it that." he whines.

"We can't risk her outing us all. That could put all of our loved ones at risk."

"But we can't do nothing."

"Oh, we're not doing nothing."

"What do you mean?"

"First rule of criminals, you want to find out where they hang out." I tell him.

"Oh, I'm not going to like this."

"It's going to be fine." I kiss his cheek.

"We need to be safe about this."

"I think I have this." I assure him.

"I still think it's better if I go." Barry is a worried mess as we go over the plan in the S.T.A.R. Labs van.

"Babe." I raise my brow at him.

"I mean, you're my wife, and I worry about you. You're also carrying our baby and..." I place a finger on his mouth, silencing him.

"I'm an ex-assassin with meta powers. I think I got this."

"But you could get hurt."

"These are bottom-of-the-barrel criminals, babe. They wouldn't even make it a minute in Gotham." I tell him. "This is a regular spot Amunet recruits her crew. And you would lose your job going in there." I remind him.

"But you're pregnant..."

"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't kick some lame criminals' asses."

"But what if someone recognizes you?" Barry asks.

"Amunet's not going to be there. She wouldn't share our secret with anyone, or she wouldn't have leverage. I'm going to get someone to talk. Besides, we have our code word. Not that we need it."

"Banana." Barry mutters.

"You hear that, and I need back up." I lean over and kiss him, and he smiles. "Fine. Just be safe. Both of you." He looks at my stomach.

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