Catching Up

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Here's an update that I couldn't wait to share with you all. Please enjoy and as always let me know what you think.

"Wow, nothing has changed about this place?" Barry observes as we walk through our apartment door.

"I didn't have the heart to change it." I state to him. We haven't let go of each other's hands since we left S.T.A.R. Labs. "I will admit for a while I did give up hope." Barry turns to face me with a sad look on his face. "I didn't want to give up I just...I was running out of options. Nothing I was doing was working and..."

"Hey." Barry places his hands on my face. "You did nothing wrong. You brought me back and that's all that matters." He assures me.

"Damian had more faith than I did and..."

"So how exactly did you come to find out you had a nephew?" Barry asks me.

"Sit down." I order him and he does and takes a deep breath. "The night you went into the Speed Force..."

6 months ago when Barry went into the Speed Force.

I don't hesitate to slap Bruce loving the sound of my hand hitting his cheek.

"Hey!" This child that he brought along yells at me. He even has the gall to point a sword at me which I easily bend with my mind which shocks both of them.

"What the hell is this?" I demand.


"Where the hell have you been? I...I looked for you everywhere and...Alfred was worried sick about you and...he said you died." I say to Bruce with tears in my eyes. He looks down at the ground.

"To the world, I died. And that's how it needs to stay." Bruce explains.

"This doesn't make any sense. do you have a son?"

"Do I need to explain to you how children are made?" The child sasses at me.

"Bruce." I state making my brother look at me.

"I...his mother is Talia...and...he's my son Anna."

"Damian Wayne. Grandson of Ra's Al Ghul heir to the demon." Damian introduces himself to me and I glare at Bruce.

"Is this some sick joke?" I demand.

"I am not a joke!" Damian scolds me and use my powers to shove him into the closest locking it. "Let me out now!" He screams.

"He will break the door down." Bruce informs me.

"I have enough money to fix it. Now talk." We hear Damian banging on the door but with my powers holding him in he's not doing as much damage as he likes.

"How about you tell me how you're doing that?" Bruce motions to my glowing hands.

"Particle Accelerator Explosion about four years ago. Now, why are you here?"

"I...I need you to take care of Damian for me. I don't know how long it will be but...I need him to be with someone I can trust and who can handle him."

"You think I can handle him?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes. You are the best person I know who can handle this. You are smart...caring and...strong enough to handle him." Bruce exclaims to me.

"I am nothing to handle. Let me out now!" Damian orders but I ignore him.

"I just lost my fiancé and you dare ask me to take on a child after I've thought you've been missing for years? could have told me that you were choosing to stay hidden. At least let me not worry about you." I yell at my brother.

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