We finally have a truce

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When we were flying on our way back, Peter was flying way ahead of me and Tink and really fast too. He seemed to be in a desperate need to get home, and back to HQ.

Peter wait up slow down! I called after him, calling on my wings to help me speed up even faster, as Tink zoomed off ahead of me. Not you too Tink. I called after her. Peter please? Come on wait up, what's the rush? If I wait for you, the more likely I'm gonna be too slow to avoid any traps being set for us when we get back to Neverland.

Fly faster, I know you can out fly me speed wise. I'd think that what Emma told you would make you want to get home faster to avoid such a thing. If it were just Emma, or just myself, Tink or Jade you wouldn't be complaining, you wouldn't be asking for it, but you wouldn't be complaining.

Think of it this way, the sooner we get captured the sooner its all over and when it is we can plan on kidnapping and capturing them for a little playful revenge, it would be like a strange version of family bonding. We're not family yet he says shaking his head. He's currently still my enemy. Maybe not yours but he is mine.

You're lucky that you don't appear to have any. Don't your lost boys know? I teased. I would suspect they did, we've known each other for a very long time. Are you telling me that when you your boys play capture with the Indians that when you all get captured there haven't been any times where they've tickled you silly? Or that those mermaids just wanna get their hands on you, and would love hearing you laugh.

You're not funny. He teases back. Well has that kind of thing ever happened? You know if you don't tell me I bet Tink would. Tink smiled and nodded her head. That's not fair, you were my friend first, you can't go and tell me sister things without my permission. She grows in size. This coming from the boy that secretly likes actually being tickled. She teases.

Or maybe not so secretly I snicker. How does that saying go? Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? He smirks. Is that what this is really about? That with anyone else you wouldn't mind, but because it's Hook its's suddenly the worst thing that could happen to you? That would depend on how honest of an answer you wanted. He says scratching the back of his neck.

Should I take that as a yes? I ask Tink. Smirking slyly, as if it were now some kind of game, he turned to us and says.... Catch me if you can! Can't catch me! Whether he was teasing us into trying to tickle him or motivating us to get back home, we sped off after him as Tink shrunk again.

Getting home this time was a lot more fun than it usually was. When we got home and we arrived at the HQ Peter flew right into the HQ laughing as he went. Can't catch me! He teased again. As we flew around with all the teasing and the laughter and the this and the that all the lost boys gathered around wondering what the heck was going on.

Ok, well now you ARE asking for it. What's going on? One of the boys asked. In response Tink and I just laughed as we then sored out of the HQ after Peter. Until I was finally fast enough to grab a hold of him and Tink went up into his clothes zipping around like a rocket tickling whatever she could reach at the moment, and since he was now a giggly hysterical mess and not focused on any form of happy thought since she was already tickling him and I'd grabbed a hold of him she flew out and I blew on my necklace to magically create a soft landing for us to fall onto, the first thing I thought of was a mattress.

We fell onto the mattress and rolled off into the grass, and now it was my turn to tickle him and wasn't sure where Tink had ran off too. The boys came out curious as to what was happening and we were lucky it was just us. Once I felt like he'd had enough we decided we should play a game instead.

What game should we play? He asked the boys as he caught his breath. But the problem with that was that the boys wanted to play treasure hunt. To which both Peter and I were like.... Both: No! We'd shivered in sync. What's the matter with you two? One of the boys asked us. Yeah, that's our favorite game. Another one said.

We're not gonna bother Hook and his crew for little while he said running his fingers through his hair. Why not? The boys asked us. Because, our sister is with him while she's here. And Hook wants to get us back for taking his treasure. When Jane was here he was trying to figure out what my biggest weakness was so that he could torture me without hurting me to get his revenge on me without hurting me.

I can NOT let that happen. What if we don't get caught? Not gonna happen. They'll all be expecting that. Suddenly our shadows come off. Freya Brother get back here. I scold the shadows. Both: "Can't catch us!" *Ug* I whine beginning to chase after them. They fly off towards the ship. Oh no! Why would they go there? That's the last place any of us wanna be.

I'm not going after him. Are you? Not a chance. Not like our shadows can feel anything. I don't see why we'd have to go after them except for the fact that we can't fly very well without them. The last place any of us are gonna want to go and its the first place they want to go. Maybe, they know something we don't that we would otherwise never admit but at the same time.... Don't speak another word, I don't wanna hear any of your backwards ideas.

I mean isn't a shadow or ours really wouldn't they personify all and every part of us, our hopes, dreams, fears, guilty pleasures? You don't want it to be Hook but don't complain much when its anyone else you don't want it really to happen, but come on it us laughing is fun, and being happy is necessity in flying. And I think we can all agree that we'd rather be happy and laughing then be sad and crying.

That is true, he says admitting rubbing a hand behind his head rubbing the back of his neck. And besides Emma's not gonna just tell them, besides he probably thought of that when you egged him on about games and children and about playing with Henry. If you'd kept your mouth shut he would've never even thought of that idea. Emma never said Hook was waiting to tickle us silly.

We just implied that. From what her text said. And realize that he said that he wasn't gonna try in case it would later back fire on him, I bet if and when after he tickles Emma and Henry that they turn around and tickle him right back. You two are perfect for each other, you'll be family soon and are very worthy opponents.

Think of it as just one big game. And when in doubt all we have to do is keep silent, we don't laugh he can't torture us. You say that now, but you won't be able to follow your own advise or rather your own plan. See, what will happen is that the pirates will grab any one of the other boys, Hook will want you to himself, and Emma will take me cause I'd be the only one left.

And we get to spend the least amount of time together, it will be like one big game, and in a couple of days it will be our turn to strike back. Do you have some kind of future seeing power? Or just a death wish?! He doesn't know, he only maybe suspects. How many other ways can you torture a child or your enemy without hurting them? I'll think of something, but in the meantime we're not going anywhere near that ship just to be safe.

We could go capture the Indians or go hang out at mermaid lagoon. We could even go hang out at Pixie Hollow. I thought the plan was not to get captured? Any of this ringing a bell? I don't hear a bell. The bell in your head called memory? I question. The Indians capturing you and tickling you silly? The mermaids flirting with you and wanting to get their hands on and waiting to hear you laugh. Or what about Tink and her friends they're tiny but mighty?

Anywhere we go we're gonna get captured and tickled. See he'll want you lot so that he can make Peter feel sorry for ever messing with him, and you're his partners in crime, but he actually likes me for me it would be more like for fun, that as long as one of us is getting tortured the other one might as well.

No one wants to leave anyone out. Oh lucky us. Hey? How come our shadows can touch things but they never feel anything? That is a wonderful question that I don't know the answer to, and surprised that you don't know it since you've lived here you're whole life. Should we go get them? No way! Peter we're gonna get captured it doesn't matter if Emma's there to help or not.

And don't we wanna see our big sister? She came all this way just to see us. No she came all this way to help Killian torture us. After this goes on for about another hour I cave and decide we can do something else. But, if for no other reason to get it over with, then I could also go see Emma and hang out with her, even if by hanging out she ends up tickling me silly, that I also get my shadow back, the next morning before the guys get up I leave a note before leaving to tell Peter that I'm gonna go see Emma and get my shadow back. That I wasn't just gonna keep waiting.

Which is exactly what happened. As I saw the ship, I quickly flew to the back, I went to the bottom room, and up the stairs to my sister's room on the ship. And I knocked on the door. She opened it. Awe little.... Sh I whispered covering her mouth. I came to come hang out with you against Peter's wishes.

Why would he not want that? Cause of your text that you sent me. He doesn't know anything. I think he really only suspects. But its fun getting him back. Peter and the boys will be up any min now once he sees me gone he'll come for me. So, aside from the obvious I'm also here to get my shadow back. So, I thought since we don't really exactly ever get anytime to hang out just us sisters that we'd hang out now.

So, again aside from the obvious I say putting my hands up to reach up and tie my hair back.... What do we want to do? Well, we could play a game, I could play with you like I do with Henry. I'm not really supposed to start the obvious until Peter and the boys arrive. And it would be boring just sitting here twiddling our thumbs until then.

What game do you want to play? IDK we can't really play any Earth games on Neverland we'd need a lot of people to play active kinds of games. We could always catch up and talk. What are we gonna talk about? IDK anything everything. I was waiting for you guys really yesterday. Yeah, well Peter wouldn't cave.

We were surprised that our shadows left and went to the last place we wanted to be. Well supposedly shadows or your shadows I guess personify you guys, your hopes wishes dreams fears and guilty pleasures. I said the same thing to him, great minds think alike. Who knew its almost like we're family. We laugh. What is that noise? Killian asks his crew. They all shrug in perfect sync.

One of those laughs is Emma's but is there another voice I hear? We know Peter and his boys aren't here yet. We would've captured them captain. Smee reminds him. Back in the room.... You know I'm sure I'll regret telling you this, whether because that's what's gonna happen to me anyways, and I fear it won't stop if I say it or if Peter finds out I told you this but in all honesty if it weren't Hook Peter wouldn't mind being tickled, to some extent we like it, I mean we assume that people would rather be laughing and happy then sad and crying that laughing is fun and being happy is kind of how flying works.

A happy thought that is. And what about you? What do you mean what about me? You said if it were Hook Peter wouldn't mind.... It's that whole he's his enemy thing. I tell her. But, Hook likes me just fine, me being tickled silly would be just for fun, but Hook has been trying to figure out away to torture Peter and his lost boys to make them sorry for messing him and taking his treasure all the time but without hurting him.

And guess what else? What? She laughs. That when Jane was here and he did get captured had Peter not egged him on talking about playing games and children and how he plays with Henry Hook would've never caught on, and he probably would've started had he not wanted it to backfire on him. Yeah, trying to get Killian back is fun especially when Henry's helping. It's like we're one big happy family just having fun together.

And like a pet he's trained his hook to be gentle, you know as if he can, so that he doesn't accidently hurt Henry when they play. That's funny I told Peter the same thing not too long ago. When Jane was here. Peter was surprised his hook didn't hurt when he scrapped his hook around the edge of his face. The only form of torture Peter got that day was self inflicting wondering what he was gonna do to him waiting for something to happen.

Ok, well this I shouldn't be sharing with you either, cause he'd come after me if Killian found out I did, but his weak spot are his sides, and stomach. And G-D forbid I tickle his ribs, supposedly all guys are supposed to be ticklish there. When we're all done here and if you're looking to get him back I'll be more than happy to help you. Even though I'll be the one tickling you.

We'll probably just be playing around down here, the guys will be tied up and tortured in whatever way they figure out how to as long as no one gets hurt. So, when we plan on getting the pirates back in a couple days when this is all over you're more than welcome to help. We'll be planning a counter attack. But I won't need to get revenge if ours is more like a tickle fight. Sure, sure whatever you say.

Meanwhile.... Where is all that noise coming from? Killian wonders. Where are those boys I'm sure they've got to be out and about looking to steal my treasure again?! Captain isn't there a back door to the lower part of the rooms that leads to Emma's? Smee asks him. No, there's.... You're right. Everyone stay here, alarm me when Peter gets here.

Aye, aye captain. Killian comes to the door and knocks on it. Emma is there someone in there with you? He asks. It's ok Killian. She tells him. Why Farrah Pan hello. Wait!! It's Farrah Pan you mean your sister has been down here and you didn't tell me or capture her? She's not your plaything Killian and if you touch her I'll tickle you silly. That is a promise.

You get Peter, my sister is my fun little toy. But I decided I'd be playing with her until you begin harmlessly torturing my little brother and his boys. Key word there without causing harm. I know I know. I wouldn't harm these children no, no not a single one at least not Farrah. Hook? She questions. I'm only teasing Emma. I know you'd kill me if I hurt either of them.

Carry on. Peter and boys in sights captain. Smee calls down. While we wait you play a game? I have a better idea, since I never got to grow up with you, and I don't have a daughter and our mother's hair is too short, I've never had a girl friend to braid hair with as little kid, now that I'm older it sounds childish and silly. But hearing THAT out loud and knowing what is supposed to happen to Peter and the boys if Killian can take a hint from Peter's big mouth, or any reminders of how we play together as a family.... She says rolling her eyes.... I guess braiding my kid sister's hair would actually be a lot of fun.

What do you say? And when you're done can I braid yours? Do you know how? No, but I thought while you braided mine you could teach me. Sounds like a plan. That's exactly what happened. Peter and the boys got captured each boy had a pirate standing over them. With Peter going to be at Hook's mercy. As the crew tries to come up with harmless ways to torture the boys.

No, no, no lads. I have something different in mind. Hey? Hook where is Farrah? Oh your sisters are having quite the time together. But, as for us. We'll be having our own kind of fun, and it can all be over once I make you feel bad about messing with me and always taking my treasure. Over my dead body. We steal that treasure fair and square. Ok, well then by using your words against you, I have captured you all "fair and square", and plan on going through probably same method as I thought before to get what it is that I want.

What are you going on about Hook? When Jane was here last, and we were talking about Henry, and playing games, and how I play games with Henry that probably the only thing I could do to torture you is to play with you as if I were playing with Henry. The boys turn to him with worried expressions.

It will be alright boys, nothing bad will happen to us. Nothing's gonna happen as long as we don't let them win. We'll see how long you can go before you can't following your own plan. It didn't take long for there to be laughter ringing aboard the ship as laugher left the boys mouths, and for me to suddenly feel Emma's hands begin to wrap around my waist. As I struggled to escape. And suddenly feel the light touches of her fingers gliding back and forth across my sides and stomach and up and down my ribs.

Well, well, well seems like you and Killian have the same weak spots. Henry's are his feet, let's see how ticklish yours are. I tried to shove her away, and tried to also get her back, but that was hard to do when you're laughing so hard. Up above it had taken Peter much longer to begin really laughing after just letting out a couple chuckles or small giggles but not put him in hysterics yet.

That is until he went to his feet and took his shoes off. And once he started tickling his feet now that he was laughing a good amount he tried previous places again. Well, well, well seems like you, Henry and Emma all have the same ticklish spot. He tried to escape but found that his bonds were just a little too tight. If you're already laughing this much I should take it up a little by switching my hook to a feather.

Peter squirmed all that much more, a feather would probably surly feel a lot like when Tink tickles him soft and light, and down below I'd reached over and finally was able to get her back by trying to tickle her feet, and you and Peter share the same spot. And Henry's. She admits. Well look at that we really are a family.

But everything stops when we suddenly hear Peter up above say.... Ok, ok you win Killian. Emma helps me up off the floor of her room and we come up to hear what's happening. I'm sorry, can you repeat that? I'm sorry. For what? Hook smirks. For messing with you and taking your treasure. I'm not saying I'll stop doing it but that's part of the game, but I am sorry for always messing with you.

You mean that? He nods his head unable to speak anymore while he catches his breath. You're not just saying that so I'll stop? He questions. Stop he doesn't understand the meaning of the word. I tease. Emma playfully grabs my side as I jump, while Peter signals the cut motion at me. Then turns back to Hook and shakes his head. You win this round Killian. Can you please release us now?

One more time please? Yes, I said your name. Can we go now or what? Cut 'em loose he says waving a hand at his men. Just so you know there will be some form of counter attack. Oh I'm so scared Hook says rolling his eyes. After being released Peter comes over to us and we group hug. Shortly after we're free to go the first thing Peter does as we fly back to HQ is start teasing and taunting Hook again.

Catch me if can Killian. Emma and I roll our eyes. Well, I know that I had fun I shrugged. Good to hear. Emma tells me. And don't let him fool you Hook he had fun too, but not enough tickling in the world could ever make him admit even that. Yeah, but I expect that you boys have some kind of truce after all this, you are gonna be one big happy family soon.

That gives us all 3 months to get it all out now. When is that wedding of yours? Aug 13. That is a very specific day. Well see ya soon. And it was very soon, about 3 days went by. And the boys were able to capture the pirates this time and tickle them silly as part of their revenge, but all 3 of us turned to gang up on Hook. Emma you're supposed to be helping me not them.

After that day, it was like a game, kind of like playing with the Indians sometimes they'd win other times we'd win. But we all kept coming back for more, and that truce did eventually come, this time instead of just being frenemies they decided since they were just gonna end up being family anyways they might as well start of being friends.

Friends? Friends. It won't matter for very much longer since we'll be family in about 3 months but that's 3 months to get it all out now. That's what I said. Great minds think a like maybe we're more a like then we thought. Yeah, maybe we are. Peter Pan I believe this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship and the end of our stupid childish rivalry. Back at ya. Maybe being family won't be so bad after all. Good to hear you say so because we're all gonna live forever.

Better to stop this nonsense and put the past behind you now then still at each others throats when we are finally family. Yeah fighting is kind of pointless, even if I do win all the time. Don't push it. He teases ruffling his hair. I'd ask you guys to hug but baby steps. A bro hug wouldn't be so bad.

A what with what? I'll show you, Emma give me your hand like your gonna shake my hand. Or rather thumb wrestle me. You do that then pull the other in bumping shoulders carefully and gently as you lean away after doing so. Nothing too painful. I say rolling my eyes. You try. Shall we? Couldn't hurt. Alright not bad that was actually kind of fun. You can always do the one armed shoulder hug too, but we'll try that one a different day.

Well I say we give it another week, Neverland time and then we'll be back in time for the wedding and then I think after that mom and dad were planning to adopt all the little girls and bringing them back here, including Britney who has all grown on us, and we'll be able to go back and forth from Storybook to Neverland, but after all that adopting and marriage stuff we'll live forever and Neverland will forever be my forever home.

I can't imagine not having any of the other characters not being in our lives still after all this which is why we'll be able to go back and forth easy to Main to Neverland without needing to fly. But we don't have like an endless supply of magic beans. Nope, but we do have magic, and this magic includes a portal connected to both the worlds. What's the price? There's not one. It's my wedding gift from Gold. Cool.

Well that being said I guess we're off. Or I mean like back to HQ. Yeah, yeah don't be a stranger. No one's stranger than Farrah. He teases. Well not everyone can agree to put up with you I tease back. Goodnight. Emma and Hook wave to us.

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