I'm not Wendy I'm her daughter Jane!

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When we arrive to Neverland, the Jolly Roger lands in its place. They begin to set a trap for Peter. Tic Tock is gone, but now we have a new friend a squid, a Kraken, maybe. But he loves him some cod like our dear friend hook just like Tic Tock did.

When Peter sees the ship, and starts fighting off the crew. Come down here boy, I've got a little something for you. A present for me? You shouldn't had. I don't suppose one of your presents would happen to be my sister would it? As a matter of fact.... She is safe right here in this sack, but the other is your friend Wendy....

Wendy? Let her go Hook! You can have her if you can save her. Jane's sack goes into the water as she dives down to get her. They believe they are free of Peter. But he pulls out of the water with Jane that he believes is Wendy. And I'll take that one as well. Come on Tink, sprinkle some dust on Farrah and let's get out of here.

When he sets us down we are on the side of a cliff. And he unties us. She punches at him as he ducks out of the way. She hurts her hand. She gets out and looks around. Why, you're Peter Pan and Tinker Bell. And I'm guessing you're gonna tell me that's your twin sister in there. And that would make you all characters from the scrapbook. Well you sure aren't Wendy, but you are right about one thing.

Farrah are you alright. I get out of the now untied sack, and wrap my arms around him. Long time no see brother of mine. What you mean Jade didn't come? Nope not enough room in our sister's fiancé's sack I believe you get me instead. That's too bad Jade is much more fun. Hey?! I playfully frown playfully pushing him out of the sky. Oh I get it, I'm dreaming, you're not real, you can't be.

Tink isn't too happy about hearing that, but then Hook tries to shoot at him. You know the rules Hook you can't hurt each other. What would our sister say? Why, you look like a real person. She points out. This again? Hello Wendy. Wait you think I'm, but I'm not..... No time to talk let's get out of here. All of US! He says in my direction. Fine, bye Hook, thanks for the lift home.

Bye my dear. He waves back. So, if you're not Wendy who are you? I'm her daughter Jane! Well if you're her daughter you're gonna love it here! And you can stay here forever. We get to the HQ he makes her go down. Tink is jealous again. Peter says girls are always like that with him. I roll my eyes. I wonder why?

I fly down after her. Climbing teasingly into Peter's hammock. Lost boys fall in! Sound off. After all the boys give their names, and report to Peter. Farrah Pan. I call letting them know I'm here. All: Farrah! They cheer happy to see me. You're back! Are you staying this time? No, I'm afraid not the little girls would miss me too much and I'd miss them and our family.

But, I promise someday we all will. Boys this is Jane she's gonna stay here forever and tell us stories. No, I.... But.... I'm afraid I'm not very good at telling stories. That's ok we're not very good at listening to them. Farrah why don't you sing us a song. What kind of song? A song you wrote. No, sing that one about mother's again. No she should be the one to tell us stories. Yeah tell us a Peter Pan story, or that dream you guys used to have all the time that's a good one.

I giggle and I laugh, as they jump all over me. Boys, boys don't crowd the poor girl Jane reminds them. I was just gonna say that. Peter says. Oh Tink.... Tink grows in size.... You'll know this song. Remember the one that was playing when you met your sister? Periwinkle. See everyone has a sister, and because they were made by the same laugh from a baby they're twins too.

Wanna sing it with me Tink? No you go ahead. If you insist. 

when I finish I sing a song that everyone knows. Or they as in everyone.

Yeah, we do we believe! Come on boys lets give my sister a break, let's play a game! Peter tells them, Farrah can tell us stories later.

Let's go on a treasure hunt. But Jane can't handle anymore of this nonsense and then the youngest one reminds her of her brother and she cries that she wants to go home and walks out of HQ. Farrah why don't you go after her. What's the matter with her? IDK she kind of acts sorta like a grown up!

Peter says. I giggle as I leave the HQ hearing all the boys in sync cry EW! Jane wait up slow down I call after her. But she either doesn't here me or is ignoring me. Jane I call again. Look, you seem like a very nice something, some very realistic part of my imagination, but I can't stay here I have to go home. I'm sure you understand what that's like.

You're little girls from your foster home, your story about you and your parents and being Peter's twin sister separated at birth. So, you've heard the stories and seen the pictures, but how come you believe this is a dream? I ask her. Because it just has to be. She tells me. And I need to go home. Please just I don't mean to sound rude but please can you just leave me alone I've got a lot to do.

Maybe instead I can help you. What do you want me to do? Help me gather fruit for my long trip while I build a raft. I got here on a boat I'm gonna leave on one. I wanted to correct her, but I wasn't about to argue with her that she had to fly to leave Neverland. She'd never believe me. She already doesn't. So I'll do what Pan's do best.... Play.... Along....

On the ship.... Hook is exhausted. That boy, always in the right place at the right time, and his sister. Don't think about them now Captain a nice massage will do you good. Not to sound rude or ungrateful Mr. Smee, but can't you be Emma? I'd rather her give me one than you. Now, now Captain. Pour yourself some rum, and have a scone or two, and clear your head.

I'm sure you'll think of something. Yes something that will get rid of Peter but not hurt him. A way to make him pay for everything he's ever done to me, he and his crew. And I believe I know just the person that I need to recruit to help me with such things. Oh no you don't the last time Emma was here she wanted to leave. But Smee, her mother and father are gonna plan to adopt all those girls and bring them here.

IDK Captain Emma might not want to live in Neverland. But Mr. Smee this is the Disney version of Neverland, same place, but at the same time not. This isn't the OUAT version she knows its that movie version she showed me. The one where I was the bad guy in it. Am I a bad guy? Well, no I don't think so, but I do believe that you're the perfect match for the Pan children.

Farrah isn't wrong by the way. About what? That you had at the time physically two of the three Pan children and now you just have one again. But the second is more of a friend and the other well when you marry Emma you're all gonna have to get along no matter what. When you're all related to each other when you're brothers in law. Even just the words make me feel sick. Hand me that rum.

Oh Captain.... He Tisks shaking his head washing out a beer pint. Oh and hear comes that sucky little friend of ours captain. I'd prefer the kraken that I had to fight with Captain Nemo than this thing. Make the blasted thing go away Smee. I can't deal with the likes of him. Go on now shoo. He shoos the thing away. My, my the croc at least had manners. He tisks.

Back with us. Peter and Tink have arrived. Where do you want these things Jane? Over there please thank you. What do you think she's doing Tink? He asks her. Well if you ask me she's getting ready to leave. She says growing in size again. Forget her if she wants to go home let her, we've got Farrah again now anyways. Chill out Tinker Bell. She *sighs* with a grunt and shrinks back to fairy size.

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