You're alive

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Now that Jane believes in Tink and I Tink shimmers back to life. She has a big smile on her face as she floats up into the air. Jane has yet to look up, she's still crying. Tink pulls at her hair, as Jane wipes her eyes away. When she sees her she smiles thinking how happy Peter will be to see her, however....

OMG Peter and the lost boys! Oh no Farrah. Farrah wake up, wake up. Please wake up. Tink grows in size. What's the matter Jane what happened to everyone? It's all my fault! When I ran away I ran into Hook who promised he'd take me and Farrah home after we got his treasure back from Peter and I made him promise not to hurt him.

He gave me a whistle to blow when I found the treasure and when Peter found me he came to apologize said that he wanted me to feel like I was one of them. I said we should go on a treasure hunt. The boys taught me how to be like them and when I found it I threw the flute into the water cause I'd been having so much fun. Peter and his lost boys fell in line, and they crowned me their very first lost girl, just like I've always about.

But then the littlest one found the whistle and blew it and Hook and his crew came for Peter and the treasure the boys all got kidnapped. But he promised he couldn't hurt Peter since their sister would kill him, and that he plans to torture him in some other way to make him sorry for ever taking his treasure and doing all these bad things to him in the past. How's he gonna do that if he can't harm him?

We gotta go to the ship and save everyone. But, we can't leave Farrah here. Oh this is all my fault! I never meant any of it, I just said it at the time cause I was angry with him. And you want nothing to do with me. You probably want me to go home just as badly as I did. But now I'm not sure. I miss my family, but I like it here now, and I bet those little girls miss Farrah.

I bet they do too. Tink said. Farrah? Are you awake, Tink asked sweeping back my hair. Tink? I asked groggily. As I opened my eyes. I'm back Farrah, Jane believes in us now. If that's so I cough, then *cough, cough* take it easy kid. Oh Farrah I'm so sorry. I never should've said what I did. It's alright Jane, as long as Tink is alive. Farrah Snow Pan don't talk like that! Tink playfully scolds.

I'm so weak Tink. But why I believe in fairies and in magic again now. Farrah where's your pendent? Tink asks me. I let Jane hang onto it. Where is it Jane? It's here. She says taking it out of her pocket. You can have it back. No, no keep hanging on to it, it's your proof. When you go home and you wonder if it was all a dream, that you'll open your hand and find my necklace with my family portrait, and my name on it, that you'll think twice.

Just, I need to.... To touch it. Maybe touching it will bring my power back. I touch my pendent and a magic courses through me. Farrah you're glowing! I feel so strong and so powerful. I can fly again. Snowflake! My wings are back. Thank you Jane I say throwing my arms around her.

Don't thank me Farrah Pan honest, if it weren't for me and my non belief you would've never been in this mess, and your brother and his boys wouldn't be captured by Hook and his crew. Hook kidnapped Peter?! We have to go to his ship! Hey wait slow down. Jane calls after me. Where even is his ship? You're right Hook never stays in one place for long.

What's he even gonna do to Peter and his boys it's not like he can hurt him or harm them in anyway Emma would kill him. Well how would you go about trying to torture your brother? Tink asked me. If I was evil you mean? Evil or playfully. She admits with a smirk on her face. Evil or playfully? I question, naturally use some kind of weakness against him.

And only you me, and Jade know what that is. I wouldn't put it past the boys to know either. She giggles. Something the 3 of us know, that no one else knows about? I think. But Tink you can't possibly mean.... I chuckle. Now you've got it. She teases. But Hook doesn't know that. And that crew of his isn't too bright it's not like they're gonna figure it out. Not unless they go through trying to brainstorm what kinds of things typically scare little boys, or brainstorm torture methods.

Little boys? Henry. Hook is always playing with Henry he'll be his step son or whatever. Typically he teaches him how to be a pirate. They sword fight, and play treasure hunting games. Good and what else? Tink questions with a sly smile. They play games where Hook pretends to be evil and chases Henry around and that Henry should be worried if he gets caught. And why?

Cause he's seen Emma play around with him, and how she cheers him up when he's upset. Which is how? You're missing my point probably on purpose. With the sound of Tink's sly smirk and coy sound of her voice I jump hearing it. I know that tone of voice all too well. Hook has trained his hook on his hand like pet to not be so rough while playing with Henry so that he doesn't hurt him, but for the most part uses his not hooked hand to tickle Henry silly.

Now you're getting it. Jane snickers. What an interesting family you've got there. Don't let him come across that we told you. He'd kill me, I'd never hear the end of it. But, come on let's go find them before Hook and his crew get any bright ideas. Bright ideas? They're not very bright. Come on girls let's go save them.

Again! I *sigh* rolling my eyes playfully. We take to the sky, and fly off to go look for the ship. On the ship they've got all the lost boys tied up to a pole of the ship just like they did when they captured the boys the first time when John and Michael and Wendy were there. They had Peter tied to a anchor, and were gonna toss him overboard.

Now, now Captain, you promised Emma you wouldn't hurt him. Mr. Smee I'd never do such a thing. He'll simply just go for a swim off the plank. Nice try but one little flaw in your plan that you've avoided on purpose is that if you push me overboard I'll drown, and I can die. What's Emma gonna say about that if you kill me? Even if you don't lay a hand on me!

Now, now my boy might as well get everything out of the way now before we're family. Besides you won't stay down and drown if our little friend shows up and rips the ropes off of you, then you'll sore right back up into the sky. You'll be safe. You'll be wet and will have a hard time flying away, but you'll be safe. Didn't you say you planned on torturing me?

Don't remind me. How pray tell are you gonna do that if you can't hurt or harm me?! I'll think of something. And even if you still manage to win this round, all I've got to do is ask your sister see if she has any ideas. Which one? He asks rolling his eyes. Being stubborn like usual I see. Still nothing more than a child. You've been around Henry plenty of times.

Peter points out. He's a child. That he most certainly is. Why I believe you've given me the most brilliant idea. But I wouldn't want to try and not end up being successful, that would backfire on me. In a way I never knew possible, until I met your sister. But then again like mother like son, and perhaps like brother like sister like sister.

What on Earth are you going on about? This is torture enough as it is. Oh you don't say.... The kind of torture that is self torture waiting to find out what's gonna happen to you and when. Waiting for something bad to happen waiting in suspense for what I could possibly do to you. Why it must be madness all on it's own no doubt?

Sure thing take your time codfish my sister will get better and she'll find some way to bring Tink back, and if anything bad happens to her I can blame you instead of Jane, for putting those evil thoughts into her head Emma will be so disappointed in you if something bad happens to us. Enough games boy! No one is coming to your rescue.

You must have some kind last words? He says holding his head in hand, scraping his hook gently around the edge of his face. What's the matter boy? Your hook it didn't leave a scratch. It didn't hurt. I did give my word after all. But how? I've been training my hook like a pet you see to be gentle when I play with Henry.

You and playing? Much less with a child? That's where you are confused boy, for on the contrary I do love playing games, I just don't like them played on me where I am the game that's being played. Do what you want with me Hook, but let the lost boys go! Peter growls. Oh but of course I will right after you, one right after the other as they'll all walk the plank.

Be brave lads don't let them see you cry! Peter demands. You seem to be under the impression that someone is gonna get hurt! Not today Hook! Why Farrah Pan how nice of you to join us! Yeah, if you lay so much as a harmful hand on him you'll be answering to me you old codfish! Jane chimes in!

Farrah? You're ok! You're alive! Wild sea horses couldn't keep me away! What does that even mean? You wouldn't understand the reference. I fly down. Farr's watch out! Tink shows back up just in time. Tink you're alive! I thought I'd never see you again! And Jane I can't believe you came back to save us?! He questions with a smile on his face.

You made me believe again Peter Pan. All 3 of you. What do you say we make this a fair battle?! I smirk as I release him from his bonds. You're not hurt are you? Who me? Never! If I was Em would never forgive 'em. Just a little rope burn, but it doesn't hurt. Are you alright? He lifts a hand to my forehead. You don't feel warm. Hey, I'm here aren't I?

A good thing to, wouldn't want Hook to take anymore time trying to think of ways how to torture you, or if you were our nephew then to play with you. You're not funny. You, Tink, and Jade are the only ones that know about that, but I wouldn't put it past the boys to know too. Come more battling less talking, we'll talk when this is over. Agreed!

Lost Sister: Final ReturnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora